I saw someone work on a cel-shaded project for Banjo Kazooie before, but he never got around to finish it. Thus he inspired me to work on my own, and I'm pleased with the work I've done so far. I thought I should share it with people before I go around and make an official first release, so I hope these screenshots anticipate people and hopefully push me to work harder and further into this project.
What I have done so far:
-Spiral Mountain
-Click Clock Wood Summer & Fall
-Parts of Grunty's Lair
Keep in mind I actually only started this project just yesterday, so if I continue a lot can be done in short time.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: Oops, I apologize for the horrible screen quality. I accidentally saved it as a JPG, not a PNG.

What I have done so far:
-Spiral Mountain
-Click Clock Wood Summer & Fall
-Parts of Grunty's Lair
Keep in mind I actually only started this project just yesterday, so if I continue a lot can be done in short time.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: Oops, I apologize for the horrible screen quality. I accidentally saved it as a JPG, not a PNG.