BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar emulator to feature compatibility with the entire retail cartridge library, along with excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features.
- Jaguar CD support! This encompasses a whole bunch of new functionality. Thank you to Mycah Mattox for donating the Jaguar CD hardware, this hardware was essential for my research.
- Added -nodevicechange and -fulldevrefresh as command line options.
- Added -forceloadaddr and -forcerunaddr as command line options.
- Added -setcfgprop and -setcfgpropcat as command line options.
- Added -audiocapindex as a command line option, can be used when launching *VirtualDisc_SystemAudio as the ROM image via command line.
- Added -physdevindex as a command line option, can be used when launching *VirtualDisc_SystemPath as the ROM image via command line.
- Added another DirectInput workaround which may help prevent stuck analog controls on some machines. Thanks to neurocrash for spending a lot of time running tests for me on a machine where this was an issue!
- Fixed a problem with depth writes in 32-bit mode, thanks to 42Bastian for providing a test case.
- Fixed an issue with word strobes not being correctly scheduled until a write to SMODE/SCLK. (only relevant when running with no boot ROM set)
- Fixed a timing problem with EEPROM reads.
- Fixed scaling on monitors with a non-standard DPI.
- When adding a new individual input trigger in the binds menu, the prompt mode now defaults to "specify hold and button" instead of just "specify button". (in line with binding all inputs via "Set All")
- Lots of additional core emulation fixes which came along with CD support.
- Implemented some intentional redundancy in the OpenGL video plugin's state management, to guard against things like Discord's video capture poking around in the context without cleaning up after itself.
- With CD support wrapped up, I'm taking a short hiatus! I need to recouperate, generate some income, and prepare for the next phase of my cancer treatment. Please don't inundate me with fix/feature requests via e-mail/Discord/etc. during this time. Instead, I ask that you use the less invasive Bug Report form on the web site. Thank you for your consideration!