Created by Rich Whitehouse , BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar and Jaguar CD emulator to offer compatibility with the entire library of commercially sold cartridges and offers excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features.
Note that it was originally a closed source emu which was integrated into the Atari50 compilation . It is without a shadow of a doubt the best Jaguar emulator ahead of Phoenix (which remains the best 3DO emulator), VirtualJaguar, Mame and all the rest.
Note that it was originally a closed source emu which was integrated into the Atari50 compilation . It is without a shadow of a doubt the best Jaguar emulator ahead of Phoenix (which remains the best 3DO emulator), VirtualJaguar, Mame and all the rest.
– JagLink support is here!
*Max player count is supported in AirCars and BattleSphere, with the potential for any number of emulated Jaguars to be networked together.
*Special splitscreen functionality has been added.
*Works over Internet/LAN or locally via loopback.
*Don’t expect anything to be playable or stable over the Internet unless you’ve got LAN-like latency and no packet loss.
*When the central host loads a saved state, it’s automatically propagated to all clients.
* Here’s a video which goes over all of the network features and demonstrates a splitscreen setup: – Added -cfgpath and -cfgpathabs command line options. This overrides the default config path, useful for splitscreen instances.
– Added -windowx and -windowy command line options. Useful for tiling out instances for splitscreen play.
– Added a -noborder command line option. Removes the border from the window in windowed mode, best used with -windowx, -windowy, -forcewidth, and -forceheight.
– Added an -alwaystop command line option. Keeps the window always-on-top, also useful for splitscreen mode.
– Added -netlisten, -netconnect, -netport, -netmax, -netloaddelay, -netpcldelay, and -nettcp command line options.
– Bumped the debugger protocol version, make sure you update to the latest Noesis if you’re using the developer build.