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Best controller?


New member
i use a playstation 2 controller and it seems to work very well.
you got to get use to the the configurations because the C buttons are in an irregular place.
cleft would be L3 and Cright would be R3, C up and C down are triangle and circle.
then put Z on R2.

sofar i've been playing mario and it works very well

i would have used a real n64 controller but the joystick was F'd up


Active member
Allnatural said:
A genuine N64 pad is always the best choice imo. I've yet to use a PC controller I like.

The Boom adapter has its quirks, but they've always worked very well for me and those I've sold them to.

Agreed @ original controller. If you don't mind spending $30, ztnetstore has the adaptoid :p

As of 4:30 Central/Chicago time 14 left:
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The True PYRO

The True PYRO

If i bought that, i would end up spending $40-$50 on a gamepad. I'm just going to get the Wingman Wireless, which i can get a refurb for 18 bucks on overstock.com


Emutalk Member
not as good as my £12 for two from eBay :D. i hope you agree they are ok.

edit: yeah those were used, i got lucky though and they were *hardly* used. seem to be a lot of wingmen cordless being sold on eBay.. thats not a good sign, but i can't see anything wrong with it other than what i wrote above... battery life seems alright.
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New member
I use the Gravis Eliminator Aftershock.

For Z, since most games use the Right hand position, I just use the L1 button, and put the real L button at L2. This is especially handy for games like F-Zero X so you can bank and check easier, as it is more symmetrical.

You mean that you can just take an XBox controller, splice a USB plug onto it, and viola, instant controller? No drivers or anything?



New member
sethmcdoogle said:
Agreed @ original controller. If you don't mind spending $30, ztnetstore has the adaptoid :p

As of 4:30 Central/Chicago time 14 left:
OMG, you've got to be shitting me, Ive wanted one so bad and I can't GET ONE! Where the hell are all the Adaptoids?!?

EDIT: :luck: :w00t::luck:
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New member
Personally, I use a SideWinder Game Pad Pro (microsoft makes them) and it rocks :) Originally i got it with SNES and similar 'primitive system' emulators in mind but it works GREAT for N64 emulation as well (although the analog control pad is a tad hard to make fine ajustments on for my crow-snipery in Zelda:OoT >=D)

---how it is arranged---
On the left is an analog control pad on the left with a small 'alt' button next to it (i use that for "Start" on N64) along with a left trigger (Z or L depending if i have it configured for stick of D-Pad)

On the right there are 6 buttons in 2 rows of 3 and a right-trigger (which i use for R). The 6 buttons are perfectly arranged to be set to A/B and the 4 C-buttons


It also works great for emulating 6-button Genesis controls, SNES (using the right-most of the 6 buttons for Start/Select which isnt bad when ya get used to it), GB and GBA, and MAME.

I figure it could also do well for GameCube emulation but i dont have a GC Emu or any GC ROMs/Games to test with it... I strongly DO NOT suggest trying to use it for PSX though due to how it only has 1 trigger on each side instead of 2 like PSX has... I tried to play Omega Boost and Armored Core once with it and what a pain in the butt >.<


New member
XTroid_Hunter said:
Personally, I use a SideWinder Game Pad Pro (microsoft makes them) and it rocks :) Originally i got it with SNES and similar 'primitive system' emulators in mind but it works GREAT for N64 emulation as well (although the analog control pad is a tad hard to make fine ajustments on for my crow-snipery in Zelda:OoT >=D)

---how it is arranged---
On the left is an analog control pad on the left with a small 'alt' button next to it (i use that for "Start" on N64) along with a left trigger (Z or L depending if i have it configured for stick of D-Pad)

On the right there are 6 buttons in 2 rows of 3 and a right-trigger (which i use for R). The 6 buttons are perfectly arranged to be set to A/B and the 4 C-buttons


It also works great for emulating 6-button Genesis controls, SNES (using the right-most of the 6 buttons for Start/Select which isnt bad when ya get used to it), GB and GBA, and MAME.

I figure it could also do well for GameCube emulation but i dont have a GC Emu or any GC ROMs/Games to test with it... I strongly DO NOT suggest trying to use it for PSX though due to how it only has 1 trigger on each side instead of 2 like PSX has... I tried to play Omega Boost and Armored Core once with it and what a pain in the butt >.<
I also use my sidewinder gamepad in the exact arangement that you do for n64 games, for PSX games, I arange the upper left and upper right to R2 and L2, then have the upper middle and entire lower row for teh main buttons.

But I dont do that anymore seeing how I have a Logitech Dual Action gamepad, identical to a PSX/2 controler. Got it for 15 bucks, retails for 20. They make a rumble version but I dont see teh reason to pay twice as much for that. The Dual Action will also be perfect for using durring NGC emulation.
The True PYRO

The True PYRO

I think i know why so many wireless wingmen are on ebay.

1)The new version came out
2)All of them are refurbished
3)Rich people only want the best of the best, so they get rid of anything that has a newer model.


New member
Soooooo... is anyone going to tell me how to use a XBox controller on a PC?

Hope I'm not being annoying, yeah, I know, I'm a newb...

I'd really appreciate it!

The True PYRO

The True PYRO

Well, overstock.com did a horrible job at keeping their promise of a 3 business day shipping policy. It's supposed to get here tomorrow. that would be 6 business days..... I'm not impressed with that. I'll report to you if I like it so you guys all know whether you should buy it or not.


New member
_glitch_ said:
Soooooo... is anyone going to tell me how to use a XBox controller on a PC?

Hope I'm not being annoying, yeah, I know, I'm a newb...

I'd really appreciate it!

Do a little googleing, to get an xbox controler to work on the PC all you have to do is a little cable splicing, because the xbox controler is just a weird shaped USB plug.
The True PYRO

The True PYRO

I got it!!! I love it, although the D-pad really is horrible. But that is where the 2nd mode comes in, which switches the D-pad with the left joystick!!! (My other one did that too though) I got rumble working right away. It was so easy!!! Definitely my #1 controller.


New member
I use a playstation controller. It's really not the best option and the rumble sucks bad with my adapter (my now broken parallel port adapter with external 9V was way more powerful). I use the second analog for the C buttons. It's fine most of the time. That leaves me with a few extra buttons.

The Xbox controller is my favorite controller so I might hook one up but I might just wait for the Xbox 360 since they are going to be fully compatible with PC.


The Darkness Comes
Emu_Lover said:
Personally I find the Gravis Eliminator Aftershock controller to be a very nice choice for playing N64 games. It has more than enough buttons and 2 analog sticks and all you have to do for perfect analog control is set the threshold down to around 15% in the default controller plugin setup and voila. :D
This is also my controller of choice :)


New member
The Xbox Controller S is great (i modded my USB plug + use a custom driver, fuck buying an adapter) however for some games (like zelda) it can be tough to get the layout how you like it.
