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tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
This is a very special moment for me... its my 420th post day today! :party:

I think I'd like to take this opportunity to share some insite on drug use in the gaming community. Personally, smoking weed and playing video games has been a favorite passtime for me for over 5 years. These days I don't play many video games or smoke much weed, but I feel that I've gained a decent understanding on the effects of drug use and prolonged inactivity.

First, most people get their information about 'pot' and other substances from a biased source... the government. Its the government's job to protect and enforce what rich corporate executives believe is lawful. Do not be fooled into thinking that we, in the industrialized free world, live in a democracy. Over 83 million people in the U.S. at one point decided... "hey, it can't be that bad" and hit that shit sweetness. Nearly 1/3 of the entire population came to that decision. This isn't the 'majority', but we're talking about a substance that is used, bought, and sold under the radar and is still illegal at this point... so nearly 1/3 of the population decided to deliberately go against a law that bears significant consequences.

From personal experience, marijuana is a great passtime. Mix that with some MMO games and you'll be booked for hours upon hours upon hours upon hours... Anything can be abused and used to excess. If you're responsible and diligent with your schoolwork, smoking weed can be a great way to meet people and have something to do when your with your friends. When theres nothing to do and I can't think of an excuse to go over to a friends house nothing beats "Hey man, wanna toke up?".

Theres a guy I know who used to sit under this hug oak tree every morning and toke up before class. Every single day this guy would get straight up BAKED. He ended his academic career with a major in MATH and a clogged bong.

It's ridiculous to me when I see people who stand up against a substance that they have never experienced for themselves. Such conviction from such unintelligible people.

I'd like to know, from the emutalk community, how many of you smoke or have smoked and if, at all, it has effected you in any detrimental way. Furthermore, have you or do you combine it with gaming.

Edit: A popular computer related sites subsidiary has a good article on this... Getting To Grips With The Drug Culture In Video Gaming | TwitchGuru
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Wilson's Friend
Eh? OK first you made the PS3 pwns all thread and now this? I don't care if weed is legal or not, but if you smoke a lot it makes a lot of your braincells die, and makes people stupid. I know tobacco do a lot of damage too and a lot of people die, but saying that 83 million people is 1/3 of the population is just stupid. I don't know where did you get this fact, and when was taken, but US population is currently bigger that 83 x 3 millions. How many people that smokes weed have ended their academic career with a major in something? Not the majority I guess. I tried weed I must say, but that was a long time ago.

You can have fun playing video games, watching TV and doing a lot of other things without drugs. Why you enjoy it so much? I will give you a news bulleting, weed as other drugs cause adiction.

Many of the people around will agree with me that go with your "Legalize it" whining to other place...
tye stik

tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
t0rek, get off your soapbox. At least weed doesn't effect my ability to post in proper english syntax. I don't appreciate put downs...

Recent statistics are reporting that around 47% of Americans have hit the weed.

Take my "Legalize it whining" some other place? This is an open forum, I wanted a real discussion here... I respect your decision not to smoke weed, but don't patronize me for my beliefs and values.
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Wilson's Friend
Have smoked at least once it's different from keep smoking it. I won't take that 47% seriously, however I think that the Gallup 34% is more real.
tye stik

tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
My point was that over 1/3 of Americans decided at one point that weed was okay to smoke despite current legislation.


Wilson's Friend
They not decided that was ok, they only wanted to try a little bit, and I guess that most of that people tried when they were young, and they had a desire for forbbiden stuff and break up laws by then
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Sony battery
It's ridiculous to me when I see people who stand up against a substance that they have never experienced for themselves. Such conviction from such unintelligible people.
It isn't ridiculous to learn from others' mistakes. To say drugs are harmless fun is just ignorant. Yes, there are people who practice moderation and can keep from breaking the law (that is, aside from using drugs in the first place) or hurting other people, but there is no denying that they still cause damage in the long-term to themselves. Drug usage can easily lead to lapses in judgment that make a person do and say things they normally would (and should) never do or say.

A simple poll wouldn't have bugged me, but your defense of an illegal and potentially, very dangerous activity does. (Personally, I find this whole thread pretty pointless.) Sorry if I sound contentious; I'm not trying to start an argument, but that's my opinion. I have to agree with t0rek. There, now I'll probably be under attack by every drug user on EmuTalk. :)
tye stik

tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
They not decided that was ok, they only wanted to try a little bit, and I guess that most of that people tried when they were young, and they had a desire for forbbiden stuff and break up laws by then

Bah! Foolishness! It dosen't matter whether or not they did it once, or a million times.. they still made a concience decision to break the law. Now if a law is openly broken by 47% of Americans, shouldnt congress take a second look at the laws in place?

What do you care anyway t0rek? Mister, "take your drugs elsewhere you poo slinging monkey crab". Why are you still here? Shoo!

There, now I'll probably be under attack by every drug user on EmuTalk

No. I respect your opinion, and you bring up a valid point. Drug use can be dangerous. Yet it remains prevailent in our society and in the gaming community. I think that your idea of marijuana is somewhat demonized though. Its longterm effects aren't significant and stoned driving is much safer than drunk driving. The reason I'm defending it is because people tend to demonize it and don't accept certain inconvenient facts in defence of marijuana use. I'm not defending drug use as a whole, only smoking weed. And even there I'm not 'defending' it per se, just sharing the experience I've had with it.

Personally, I find this whole thread pretty pointless.

It has about as much point to it as any Talk of the Town post. And it has quite a lot of significance to me being my 420th post.
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Wilson's Friend
Longterms effects are significant, that is a fact. And as you said stones driving is safer than drunk driver, but is till not safe


New member
Other than a contact buzz on a few occasions, I've never touched the stuff. I like to keep a clear head at all times.

And don't give me that "mind expansion" nonsense. I've been with countless people while they're high, and all you get from them is incoherent babbling.

But hey, to each his own.


I know a lot of players/drug users. They're cool people. Well, as long the person won't damage someone else, I think it's ok. His health is under his own, he knows what he's doing. :)


Active member
I don't agree that the government should be able to tell you what to do with YOUR body, but if it affects someone else (driving impaired, etc) then that is another matter. I believe decriminalization and education is a more mature and reasonable method to the drug "problem." Note that some drugs are bad news no matter what, perhaps some limitations on what is legalized (naturals only... man made seems to go horribly wrong, like methamphetamine)

As for "mind expansion," I think psychedelics can influence creativity and perception, but depressants/sedatives (like pot) don't do a lot for you except work as a way to relieve stress.

(coming from someone who respects peoples opinions and rights but doesn't use illicit substances)
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New member
OK, I have seen brain scans of repeated weed users, compared to normal brainscans. The pothead brain is a sponge compared to a normal persons brain. Even when people stop the weed, its not like a brain should be. I dont plan to use any drugs, I dont plan to smoke tobacco either. I know quite a few people who do, and I just dont want to hang around with them. I dont feel the need for emphazema, or lung cancer.

I also know a few weed users at my school. One kid comes to school stoned, and hes all messed up. hes just like duuuuh :-| and he just sits in class all day doing absolutely nothing. After school, he leaves school, and smokes. Everybody I know at my school who smokes Marijuana doesnt look like they would get far in life.

OK, as for the legality, there are a lot of things that are illegal, ut people do anyways despite the law. Stealing music: A lot of people do it, yet its illegal. No matter what the government does, people are still going to do it.

I started Calc this year, and I got an advanced chemistry class, and a really hard psycology class. I am also taking drivers ed. The last thing I need, is 2 hours wasted on mindless euphoria, and holes in my brain.

If thats not enough, you will notice that my computer is a bit outdated, so I need a job so I can get money for a 360, a Wii, and a new rig on my desk. Not to mention a car to get myself around. Insurance is quite expensive at my age, and gas prices are high. Also, I got quite a few girls looking at me lately, its getting harder and harder to not ask one out. Anybody who has ever had a girlfriend knows how expensive they are. (I have had a girlfriend before but I have been single for almost a year) When I do get a job, Im going to have even less time on my hands.

I just dont have the time, or money for drugs. Im just not cool enough to smoke, drink underage, or do drugs :geek: Too much school work and too many utilites to pay.
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tye stik

tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
Well. I've managed to keep my grades up, pay my bills, and buy extra stuff, all the while gettin' high almost everyday. I'm still friends with all the geeky kids in my computer class... none of whom smoke pot. I have inteligent conversations with people, I learn things on my own, I'm a positive and outgoing person and make people laugh all the time. I have a good moral base and I stand up for what I think is right.

All this self righteous bull shit is only to show that being an ignorant waste of skin is a personal decision and is not the fault of smoking pot. It is definetly a contributer, but by no means should it be considered the reason. You can chose to be a fuckhead, or you can chose to be a fully functional human being.

To be completely honest, being a stoner for so long probably did effect my perception of reality. My brain probably works differently now than it did before. I find myself a bit detached from the material world and more enveloped by, what can only be described as, my inner self? I don't feel that way when I'm around people though and I'm beginning to think that its only because I've been put in a situation where I'm basically a loner most of the time now.

I've pretty much run the gamut of possible social niches. From athletic and outdoorsy (elementary school/junior high), to popular(ish) and class clown(junior high), to stoner and party times(junior high/early high school), to new kid and loner/gamer/geek(last 2 years of high school after I moved from Canada to Florida), to now... waiting for my student financial aid so I can move northward and have a new start at the college I was accepted into. In my 18 years of existance I've seen so many angles on life its ridiculous.

I would never trade my life experiences for anything. The stoner phase in my life was important in my personal development. For better or for worse it made me who I am. I don't think being a stoner is an excuse for anything, the burnouts you see smoking weed have made decisions in their lives that made them that way.


New member
Now that is a pointless and dangerous thread in my opinion, we are an emulation site and worst a public one, i don´t think this sort of talking, even on TotT is to be endorsed.


New member
I just dont have the hours in a day to get high. Though I must say, you probably do less weed than a lot of people at my school. You who get high once during the day, versus some of the idiots at my school who smoke 3+ Joints in a day.

Also I read a section about marijuana in my psyc book, It sais that during periods of being "high" ones sense of time can be distorted, and their memory can be messed up. So if you arent high during school, its not as dangerous. It also sais that its safer in Canada than America, because its legal in Canada, and in America, it has to be obtained by illegal means, and can be dangerous, with other active ingredients than THC (tetrahydrocannabinol.)

It did however say that even 24 hours after use, the negative effects still are in effect, and long term use can produce long term negative negative effects. A risk Im not willing to take. I am happy with my life as it is, and I dont need any drugs potentially hurting my brain. Its Time and money that I dont have. So I dont want to be smoking it.


There is nothing 'cool' about abusing one's body with drugs or alcohol and certainly braggin bout it only indicates a lack of maturity and common sense.

People who are cool in my book are game programers who design these fantastic games that we play and worship, not slackers or stoners who blame their misfortune at society while ignoring the cold, hard facts that the drugs they're taking is infact responsible for destroying their lives as well as their brain cells.

With all this wonderful technology today at our disposal why do we need drugs? Isn't electronic stimuli enough to satisfy our senses?


Active member
It's a matter of personal choice. I try and respect others' views and let them do as they like so long as it doesn't infringe upon my rights/expectations to do what I like. It's about self respect, moderation, and consideration for others. If they like using drugs, let them. Criminalizing drug sale and use simply fills up our courts and prisons and encourages more violent behaviors, while legalization and regulation may ensure time better spent and less incidents related to drugs. I predict drug use would likely decline as would drug related deaths. Certainly some discretion would be involved, but what's the harm if someone uses either marijuana, cactii, or psylocibe mushrooms, etc. for entertainment/relaxation/spiritualism? As long as they do not interfere with others, how is it any different than alcohol?
tye stik

tye stik

Super Nintendo Wizard
Pot isn't legal in Canada, its just 'decriminalized'. I think this is the best way to promote safety for those of us who choose pot smoking as a passtime. It wasn't until I came to America that I found people who sold weed and other illicit substances for you to choose from. The people in Canada who sold weed stuck only to that particular substance (and on occasion mushrooms) so you didn't have to see the 'darker' side of the drug world...

I think that, because weed is put into the same catagory as other drugs, its easier to get into other substances once you've crossed the line and become a pot smoker. Thats why we should teach safety and responsibility and not demonize pot as if it were any other substance... it gives kids the impression that its all the same. Weed is so prevalent in youth culture that its almost unavoidable (at least, you can't avoid it being somewhere around you). You can't put it in the same catagory with drugs like cocaine and ecxtacy because those drugs are soul killers (as opposed to weed, which still allows you to choose a path in life).

I totally respect peoples decision not to puff the chiba, I tell my siblings to stay away from the stuff. Most people can't handle the extra effort it takes to remain productive as a stoner.
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