Recent content by Tora

  1. Tora

    kaillera online problem...aaaghhh, help~!

    >.< this is really weird.... ever since about 3 hours ago my ping shot up. normally my ping on there is like 14 ms. now its at like 500+~!!!!!!! im so annoyed. nothing has lagged at all and my net connection is at the normal speed. but on any kaillera client i have an incredibly high ping. i...
  2. Tora

    more screenies ^_^

    im bored so i decided to post some more screenshots of random stuff ^_^ Wave Race 64 ownz j00 ^_^
  3. Tora

    zelda menu problem

    anybody here notice how the start menu in zelda takes like 10 seconds or longer to load? just curious if im the only one who has this problem... ^_^
