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wHaT gAmEs ArE sPeCiaL to YOU?


Emutalk Member... sorta

ok litttle weaklings!:plain2:
what do you think is the most overrated games?:
(games that got way more hype then they deserved)

and what do you think is the most underrated games?:
(games that did'nt get the hype that they deserved)

you prolly seen a thread like this before but its a good test to see the opinions of others.
so answer with honesty and not like a self synonymous jackass:plain2:
j/k ;)
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Overrated game, hrrrrmmmm, Gran Turismo 3..

Harvest Moon was one of the most underrated games ever..


Wasn't Max payne a load of shit? Who could of designed such a predictable story line with a see through character that everyone knows?

Anyone even heard of shenmue 2?


New member
most overrated game ever ...

black & white ... or

quake 3 arena !

most underrated game ever ...

sid & al's incredible toon machine ;) (if anyone remembers)


Emutalk Member... sorta
KING's FIELD!:cool:
why do mag editors got to dis' my game like that. kings field rules:!!!:

yeah maxpayne was a load of shyte.

but gran tourizmo3 has neeto grafix /me likes.

but i think arcades are getting underrated.
why dont people play arcades anymore?:(
i agree GT3 was a letdown, specially since i spent £280 to play the damn game... bah! thank god for GTA3 and MGS2... but i digress...

overrated... ALL FIFAS, for christs sake why must everyone love those games? its not so bad now but a couple of years ago (fifa 98/99 transition) EVERYBODY loves those games and i was cheering for sega's swws97... i also thought half life, while good on the storyline front (and i mean VERY good), was a bitch to play... FPS' just arent cut out for jumping and sneaking (well halflife wasnt anyways)

underrated: NiGHTS, sure the critics loved it, but how many of you have actually played the game beyond the first level for either character? how many of you have strived to get that 100+ link with a superb combo? not sound familiar? then you havent lived! there are a number of gems on the saturn that people missed... darn it:(


Emutalk Member... sorta
ok, why the hell am i the only one who thinks that Halo was overrated.
the graphics just dont seem that impressive, only moving at 20-30fps, were as most games should easily move at 60-70fps on that hardware . (plus i think the weapons suck and you can only eqip like 2, there's just more fun to have playing deathmatch Doom II on Win95)
i just dont see why microsoft spent so much money promoting that game when they didnt even have the chance to finish it.


Emutalk Member... sorta
sytaylor said:
there are a number of gems on the saturn that people missed... darn it:(
i agree, the whole system was underrated.
i think the saturn owned, its prolly my most played console to date.
shining force 3 deserved alot more respect.
and it was a good system for porting cps-2 & SNK arcades expecially with Mr. 4 MEG ram cart.


Emutalk Member... sorta
Josep said:
i play neo-geo arcade games like mad!:) kof2k, metal slug3, all those classic games;)
hell yeah man.:cool:
its funny how the games are only 2-3 years old and already considerd classic's:D
thats the magic of hand drawn gameplay:sly:


New member
sytaylor said:

overrated... ALL FIFAS, for christs sake why must everyone love those games? its not so bad now but a couple of years ago (fifa 98/99 transition) EVERYBODY loves those games and i was cheering for sega's swws97

fifa 98 to be honest kicked ass. then it went downhill, the games stopped developing.

uh yeah, one more overrated: final fantasy! never understood the craze about those games. ok, they are good but square could sell blank cds as long as they write 'ff' on the box... :plain2:


New member

Project Gotham
Square in general (The Bouncer anyone?)
Dragon Quest 7


Silent Bomber (looking very dated now though :( )
FF8 (god forbid Square make an RPG harder!)
Bangai - O


quake 3 wasn't overrated..

and yes the saturn had some great rpg's.. albert's oddesy, shining force 3, shining: the holy ark, panzer dragoon saga, magic knight rayerth..and other great games like nights, daytona usa, sega rally, resident evil, sonic jam, and the list goes on :p


Emu64 Staff
Soul Calibur is overrated. Yeah, it`s fun and it`s a nice game, but there`s no way in hell that it deserves the perfect scores it got in almost every review site. Same applies to the Tekken games.
Underrated : Samurai Showdown 3, Garou mark of the wolves, and System Shock 2 (prolly THE most underrated game ever).
