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Very Very Very curious


How is an emulator created? Do they use an application or special computer? because I'm curious and wanted to take a crack at it. I probably would have no Idea, but I've got about 5 years till college and that should be enough time to figure out some of it. I've worked and made some little applications on Mac OS 9.2.2. :unsure:


Active member
A good place to start might be the programming forums here, Chip8, NES, Space Invaders, gameboy, SMS, and maybe more have all been documented a fair bit


New member
Emulators aren't created with any special computer. If you've created some applications, then you probably already have all what you need. What programming language do you know? Most emulators are programmed in C/C++.


Wilson's Friend
There's a lot of documentation around... lots of people starts with a NES Emulator. Aprentice did that before starting the Gekko project for example...


New member
Vboy, you must write the code for an emulator. No one can show you how to make an emulator in screenshots, but you can observe someone's code. Though you must have some understanding of the language the emulator was written in. I have written my chip8 emulator in C++ language, source code is available and the link is in my signature. Chip8 is fairly easy to emulate.


Emulator Developer









Just Another Wacko ;)
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<many things deleted to keep this short>

That has to be one of the funniest 'tutorials' I've seen. LOL.

Perhaps we need to start a 'Programming Humor' Sticky thread :D
As there are plenty of things to laugh about in programming.



A lowdown dirty shame
I've checked his age, and he's 13 years old.

Anyway, first you need a C\C++ compiler such as Microsoft Visual Studio or Dev-C++. Learn how to program in C\C++ first and learn how to create Win32 programs in C\C++. After that, try to learn a graphics API of your choice (i.e. DirectX, OpenGL, SDL, etc.) then when you're ready, click the emulation tutorial links on the bottom of my sig. You can download Dev-C++ and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (v8.0) for free, and you can buy Microsoft Visual Studio 6 cheap off of ebay. Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 is the easiest to learn and the simplest. Were here to help. :)


Sony battery
Okay, just how do you write it?
You can write your code in just about any application that can output unformatted text files (Notepad, WordPad, etc.) and then use a compiler (which is generally run from the command line) to compile your source file(s) into machine language. Usually, though, it is more convenient to use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which combines the text editor and compiler into one application so that you can compile with a click. Most IDE's also have many features that make code easier to write and debug. As was mentioned above, Microsoft Visual Studio (for C++ you'll be wanting Visual C++) and Dev-C++ are good choices.
