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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

the last few textures?


New member
alright guys, thank you all so much for all youve done, holy crap, its all amazing, and after an eternity of trying, i finally got the sky textures to work. but there asre still a few bits missing that keep bothering me, could anyone please tell me if replacements have been made for these locations?
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Maverick Hunter
I think someone replaced the one over the temple of time that shows the mountain in the background with the ring of fire.


New member
i havent been able to test it, but i think i have that one, but its only for the light world, not the dark world


Programmer | Moderator
alright guys, thank you all so much for all youve done, holy crap, its all amazing, and after an eternity of trying, i finally got the sky textures to work. but there asre still a few bits missing that keep bothering me, could anyone please tell me if replacements have been made for these locations?

whos pack is that btw? Djipis?


New member
actually i took kman's and djipis' packs and mixed them together to my liking

though i wouldnt mind getting non cell shaded looking clouds for canon's castle, though i havent seen any


Programmer | Moderator
actually i took kman's and djipis' packs and mixed them together to my liking

though i wouldnt mind getting non cell shaded looking clouds for canon's castle, though i havent seen any

I like your style. Will you release it when your done? :D


New member
LOL, assuming the creators of the packs dont have a fit, sure :) i just need to collect a few more things before i'll consider it done though.. i'd consider trying make them myself if i knew the filenames to replace


Programmer | Moderator
LOL, assuming the creators of the packs dont have a fit, sure :) i just need to collect a few more things before i'll consider it done though.. i'd consider trying make them myself if i knew the filenames to replace

I dont think they will.

Just make sure when you release it though you specify that its djipi's and that other guys work and you have just merged them together.

As long as you dont look like you pretended to make them they wont have any problems with it :D
