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Viewtifull Joe PAL is a tricky part. I spent weeks playing it and never got past first real boss in the end of ep1 on non-kid mode.

It's emulation is as tricky as great gameplay. I worship Capcom, they did a great job (actually company where i worked before was going to do that game 2 years ago - i spent weeks playing ghouls'n'ghosts and explaining the culture behind it to artists).

So, what's with emulation? There's a semi-transparent polygon filling entire screen. Since we have many transparency glitches this polygon is ALL WHITE and we don't see anything underneath it. Using trick for overlaying text on screen and then disabling it we are able to see ingame stuff but it's not possible to capture it with high framerate I get here.

Enjoy wireframe.


New member
Lynx said:
Is there some trick to get this far? It boots up and stops with 0 fps for me.

There is no trick. My screenshots shows how u get that far. When it turns grey, just wait like 1minute, and it'll start moving again. Keep waiting until a thing comes in, aka No Mem Card, then push A (gamewise of course), and you'll know what to do. It stops at the Nintendo Game Des!gner logo. Which a texture dumpped nicely. :D


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The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker (PAL)





Super Mario Sunshine (PAL)






I failed to run Super Smash Bros Melee beyond the guys' selection screen.
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Zelda (I can't find the European version, so this is Jap.)

XS Guile

Tireur d'élite
t'es screen sont vraiment niquel GeT@FiX, ca fait plaisir de voir que je ne suis pas le seul francais sur ce forum :happy:
And really thx to the dophin team who have make a really nice job on the gamecube emu, keep the good work guys! :bouncy:

PS: GeT@FiX la phrase dans ta signature me dis qqchose ca vient d'ou deja? un film?


Active member
XS Guile said:
t'es screen sont vraiment niquel GeT@FiX, ca fait plaisir de voir que je ne suis pas le seul francais sur ce forum :happy:
And really thx to the dophin team who have make a really nice job on the gamecube emu, keep the good work guys! :bouncy:

PS: GeT@FiX la phrase dans ta signature me dis qqchose ca vient d'ou deja? un film?
This is an english speaking forum only, please take discussions in other languages through the PM system.

GeT@FiX: sweet screenshots. :D

XS Guile

Tireur d'élite
lol so I will translate for you: (it was only for GeT@FiX)
Your screen are really great, it s good to see other french guys on this forum.
PS: GeT@FiX the sentence in your signature remember me something, where it come from? a movie?
And again sorry to speak french to a french guy :p


Active member
XS Guile said:
lol so I will translate for you: (it was only for GeT@FiX)
Your screen are really great, it s good to see other french guys on this forum.
PS: GeT@FiX the sentence in your signature remember me something, where it come from? a movie?
And again sorry to speak french to a french guy :p
I don't care about the actual message.

The point is that for everyone to understand eachother, only English is allowed. We have members from 70 different countries or so. What would this board look like if everyone wrote in their native language?

Tänkte väl det.


lol I didn't know there was other french here (well, It was evident but I wasn't sure yet :p). Alors, salut les Français :p (I'm from Quebec).


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Yup, that's the tricky part so far. Spent the latter part of yesterday bashing my memorycard into tiny peices so that I could insert it into my computer through the agp port..:p Didn't work though.. ;)

Keep the shots coming, since I picked up a BBA and forgot PSO I don't have any games to take screenshots from..

A lot of games that are showing a lot of progress already, so sweet :D
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