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N64 Glide Plugin Part 5


Emutalk Member
icepir8 said:
Dave: Is the grBufferClear the problem with eVoodoo users and the newest Glide64? And have the creators of eVoodoo been informed about the bug?

This problem is solved in the new beta version... evoodoo users should be happy. But there are still some random crashes in some games...


Nice, nice, especially F-Zero and DK Racing.
One q: the messed up /missing textures in Zelda OOT are due to my Banshee being crap, right? Any chance of a remedy to this? Like sequential multitexturing or something LOL I mean apart from that it's plenty more beautiful than UHLE. If not, nevermind :)


Plugin coder / Betatester
Doomulation said:
zorbid said:
It is indeed an very good piece of work. :) As the latest eVoodoo is.
A lot of thanks to Dave, Gonetz, Gugaman, Ogy for the ini, McLeod and Cpu MasteR. (did I forget someone?)

I don't have any problem with Mario kart u! so far.
Yes, the beta-testers for glide64 and evoodoo.
Which includes me.
(and more, ask dave)

AND ME!!!!

Btw check the info in the plugin for the betatesters complete list.
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New member
Trotterwatch said:

Mario Kart - at the start of the race the same thing happens, the screen minimizes slightly and locks

This happens with U(!) version of both roms, having said that I'm pretty certain this is a problem with my system.

I've got this problem with mariokart to
