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is n64 emulation still in??


well i'd consider epsxe perfect
now now ! you don't want me having one of my world famous tirades on ya :p .. so if that's not what you meant then why the hell did ya reply to that initial post ... *trying hard not to fall back into my bad old ways*...ok back on topic about n64 ..call me mr smarmy :) ..


iq_132 said:
Amen brother!!!!
People shouldn't say things like "it's perfect;" nothing in this world is perfect.
*licks my eyebrows and looks in the mirror* care to revise that hehe :)


ok if crash racing doesnt work wtf is this?

Runnin' in epsxe with a nice resolution aound 1000 and anti-alasing :D runs like a dream @ 60fps:D (had to resize the image)



are you related to a carrot or parsnip ..i can get it running to a point you window licker ..now prove the point of it being perfect ..duh! or is that too technical for you


bodie said:
actually there is a lot that doesn't work on epsxe ..crash team racing

u said it didnt work punk, i didnt say it was perfect, i meant it was perfect enough for me as ive said before. and if u guna flame me fair enough but wtf have i done? i'm just showing my 2 cents like any other person does on this forum



stop crying about it .. crash team racing does work upto a point and then nothing .. known issue .. meaning doesn't work ,can you see? the reason it seems like i am flaming you is because you posted an inaccuracy and i corrected it .. live with it or don't .. and if you think this is flaming you then you don't remember what i used to be like ..this is me being nice :p
o.k PUNK!

10,000 feet
5,000 feet
1,000 feet
0 feet <<<<< penny dropped yet as it


well i'd consider epsxe perfect
sorry i thought it was you who said this .. but it can't be because that wouldn't of made sense in you replying to my first post ..
and you are a lot brighter than that ..are you not?


and i was correcting u also by proving that crash racing worked, cuz u said it didnt, anyway were even so sorry 4 flaming ya aswell. Think its time this thread got closed tho, it is off topic......



Thread doesn't need to be closed because it's a good topic.. and forums are there for communication and mass debating (I think that’s what they say :p ) .. crash does work flawlessly up to a point but then lives up to it's name and crashes :) that’s classed as a none worker .. But maybe we should start again. keep it on topic because i really don't want to be like this anymore (even though i still get the adrenaline rush from it ) ..ok hand of friendship dude.
no probs :)
