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Interesting debate on existance of god, worth a read

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roll for life
sorry m8, but u hav being reading something else. show me in the koran where it says that. moses was not even alive when mohammad was. look he aint our prophet, all he did was sav the jews from egypt years ago, during the time of the 3rd pharoah, ramses. theres a whole corny story, and we celebrate it on passover. thats it, hes not an idol, hes definitely not our messiah, and i seriously doubt he had time to chat with mohammad, considering he died during the exodus. i think u just made that up.
Slougi said:

Yes you KNOW but can you prove it?
I could be dreaming now and could have made you up.

We can't even prove that we exist, it is thus impossible for us to prove wether god exists or not :p

thats just you questioning your own senses and has nothing to do with reality... if reality was not real what is the point in living, from creation point of view it has no purpose cos it doesnt proove or show anything to the higher power... form an evolutionary view, well, you cant have something that is not real be real! its an oxymoron!

you can't compare our meaning of time with god's..

umm how do you know gods time? by what was recorded by humnas as six days... and that argument has been disprooven...

and rpglover, youre beginning yo get frustrating, because you counter our views with more stories from the quaran when we question the usefulness of doing that! how can you trust what is written there?! you cannot let go of muhhamed being a true prophet etc! why? because you've been taught it as truth, i ask you rpg, PLEASE try for a second to see our sode of this... there is no way of knowing what is written in the quran is true


roll for life
quoting the koran is fine. but that aint quoting the koran. since when did moses hav a chat to mohammad...its that kinda stuff that is annyoing.


New member
sk8bloke22 said:
sorry m8, but u hav being reading something else. show me in the koran where it says that. moses was not even alive when mohammad was. look he aint our prophet, all he did was sav the jews from egypt years ago, during the time of the 3rd pharoah, ramses. theres a whole corny story, and we celebrate it on passover. thats it, hes not an idol, hes definitely not our messiah, and i seriously doubt he had time to chat with mohammad, considering he died during the exodus. i think u just made that up.
well the quran is pretty big to finish
we have to finish it in 30 days or more
there are some guys that finished the quran in 15 days
he knows alot about the quran
he knows tons and tons about it
slougi could know better than me in all the quran
if he read all the quran then
he will know where is this story
i dont remember excatlly where
but i still remember it
and i dont remember much about the quran cause i haven't read it in along time
we shuold read it in ramadan
but i couldn't :(
maybe next ramadan
and i still didn't finish gettin proofs about god
dont think that i surrenderd about it
am still lookin for miracles
well i know a story but i can't say it cause there is untranslated words in arabic

its a big story
just try to search around proofs about islamic stuff in the net
and u'll see
go to www.talkislam.com
and u'll see tons of stuff


New member
sk8bloke22 said:
quoting the koran is fine. but that aint quoting the koran. since when did moses hav a chat to mohammad...its that kinda stuff that is annyoing.
well moses didn't have chat with muhammed
mohammed is the one who had a chat with moses
when mohamed went to the 7 skies (called the esraa and merag)
he met moses and all other prophets
when he met Ibrahim
god told him upthere to pray 5000 prayers per day
Ibrahim told mohammed its to much
and allah told 500
Ibrahim told mohamed its still to much
allah told mohammed 50
Ibrahim told muhammed its still too much
allah told muhammed 15
Ibrahim told muhammed its still much
and finally allah told muhammed 5 prayers
Ibrahim told him thats enough

this what was between Ibrahim and mohamed
he had a small conversation between moses and himself
its not that big and its not an important thing

so he talked to moses

and talked to all other prophets like zaks adams,mary,joseph,
and lots other

and try to read the quran sk8bloke


Emu64 Staff
RPGlover12 said:
and talked to all other prophets like zaks

I always knew that there was someone divine about me :)

Who is this prophet anyway? I never heard of him...


New member
well he is a massenger from god
he told him to make his people believe in god
and make them worship him
i dont know much about him
cause i haven't read his story
he also didn't have any miracles
like soliman ,muhammed,moses,jesus and many others


New member
Look RPGlover12 I am an arab but as I said in the very beginning of this thread I don't believe in God. Not all aarabs are muslims, especially in Lebanon, around 40% of the population is christian and anyway muslims aren't too chritical of religion here either, i.e. we go out and get drunk and have fun :p


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Slougi said:
Look RPGlover12 I am an arab but as I said in the very beginning of this thread I don't believe in God. Not all aarabs are muslims, especially in Lebanon, around 40% of the population is christian and anyway muslims aren't too chritical of religion here either, i.e. we go out and get drunk and have fun :p
well here either
and ur right about lebanon
but most of the arabs are muslims
and there are somestuff that a muslim shouldn't do like the kabba2r(major sins)
i know a site for it
here is the site
these are the major sins for muslims
and not 40 percent of lebanon are christians that was in 1998
now its only 15 percent
but they aren't too chritical of religion too
even in egypt,jordan,iraq(well not as much as others),and other arabian countries that i forgot to mention
and the most religous guys in the whole world is afghanstan,pakistan,iran,saudia arabia,and any other i forgot to mention
but there is much
see the kabbar to find out whats haram

The Shadow

New member
This thread is going nowhere. You're not going to convert a non-Muslim into being a Muslim by arguement in most cases, so you might as well quit while your ahead, that's my two cents. :)


roll for life
rpg glover, im not doubting koran, im not even questioning in this case. but u hav got something very wrong here. moses wasnt a prophet. this aint an attack on you. just seriously its dangerous to make even small mistakes as that. even u can prove from the koron (i.e quote from it), where it says this, then fine, ill understand how u formed this idea.
rpg... when you stop quoting the quoran and give me an opinion as to why i should believe it i will listen to your quotes... but every single one of them has something in common.. theyre all stories of which you can not proove (nor disproove), you just believe... answer me without quoting anyone or giving me a story, tell me WHY you believe:alien:


New member
RPGlover12 said:

well here either
and ur right about lebanon
but most of the arabs are muslims
and there are somestuff that a muslim shouldn't do like the kabba2r(major sins)
i know a site for it
here is the site
these are the major sins for muslims
and not 40 percent of lebanon are christians that was in 1998
now its only 15 percent
but they aren't too chritical of religion too
even in egypt,jordan,iraq(well not as much as others),and other arabian countries that i forgot to mention
and the most religous guys in the whole world is afghanstan,pakistan,iran,saudia arabia,and any other i forgot to mention
but there is much
see the kabbar to find out whats haram

In three years from 40% to 15%?!?!?
I don't think so :p
Anyway whereever you go in the arab world Lebanon is the most tolerant. Even more so than Egypt or Jordan. ;)


New member
sk8bloke22 said:
rpg glover, im not doubting koran, im not even questioning in this case. but u hav got something very wrong here. moses wasnt a prophet. this aint an attack on you. just seriously its dangerous to make even small mistakes as that. even u can prove from the koron (i.e quote from it), where it says this, then fine, ill understand how u formed this idea.
well i dont know
as i told u before
i didn't finish the quran before
i couldn't cause i missed ramadan :(
and this story is everywhere in the quran
am researchin for it everywhere
all muslims know this story
its a big story
i wish i could remember if he saw allah or not
but i dont think so
and most of it are speeches from the prophet about the esraa and merag
i dont remember it that much the story
but am still searchin all over it
i even called my best friend to search for it
and even his mom
and his sister are searchin for it
all my friends know this story and teachers ,parents
in other words all muslims
i wish i find it

and if i told u the chapter and the sorah will u go to read it sk8bloke ?????


New member
sytaylor said:
rpg... when you stop quoting the quoran and give me an opinion as to why i should believe it i will listen to your quotes... but every single one of them has something in common.. theyre all stories of which you can not proove (nor disproove), you just believe... answer me without quoting anyone or giving me a story, tell me WHY you believe:alien:
wow man u gave me the question that i wanted
i'll tell u somethin

well i was born a muslim
lived in a muslim family
lived in a muslim town
and everythin
when i was young i alwaysed read the quran
i never left it
and i've got many pics of miracles
like a fish written on it allah
a rock
and many stuff

and i do believe in god
cause there is a thing called the prayers feeling
all who have strong believe in allah will feel it
when u're prayin u feel that allah stands behind u
when u step down
called the sogod(dunno whats its name in english but its that i put my face,knees,my hands ,my legs)
u feel that god is just above u
and he even said if u wish when u are in sogod position u're wish 90% will be done
and its true
most of my wishes are done
and muhammed(maybe peace and blessing be upon him)
said if u want to see me in ur dreams
do somethin in friday
in the friday prayers
(see a prayer info or somethin like that cause am not going to translate it all cause am not prof in english)
we read the fatha and a small sorah he said read a certain sorah's and pray on me 70 prayers and ask for forgivennes from god and mention some of allah names and u'll see me in ur dreams
and its true
i tried it two times
it worked
and i'll tell u somethin
once i dreamt of me going to the meridian and there was the prophet and i couldn't see him cause there was some guys stoppin me from seein him
i tried to but they told me uwont see him unless u start prayin again
and it did work
i dreamt of him once i restarted prayin again
its 100 percent true

and i've got a big proof

who created the earth
who created us
who created islam
who created religion
who created the first basic cells
who created the first day on earth
who created the last day on earth

how when Ibrahim dreamt to slatter his son
when he got the knife he put it on his neck and moved it back and forward on his neck to cut it off
it didn't
he then asked allah why does the knife doesn't cut of my sons head
he told him i told the knife not to cut

and i want to ask u a favor

go to a library and read a book about the islamic religion
and u'll see

how earth was created

who created earth

was it really created in 7 days

who created jins

and in islam

allah said that if all the jins and people united to make one chapter like the quran had they all failed

no body could make a chapter of a quran

form 1400 years till now nobody has changed the quran

nor the speeches of muhammed(maybe peace and blessin be upon him)

still the same

how could u prove all of this

if u can answer my questions

just tell me

ok :p


New member
RPGlover12 said:

well i was born a muslim
lived in a muslim family
lived in a muslim town
and everythin
when i was young i alwaysed read the quran
i never left it

That's the problem. You only know that because it was forced down your throat(not meant to be offensive, but from the situation, realize that it was). You were never given a chance to go out and find what you think is right, you were TOLD that was right from the day you were born.

Try to look at the topic from the other perspective.
RPGlover12 said:

and i've got a big proof

who created the earth
who created us
who created islam
who created religion
who created the first basic cells
who created the first day on earth
who created the last day on earth
if u can answer my questions

just tell me

ok :p

I DONT KNOW!!!!! and i dont think being taught something from birth is enough proof! if just means you have been taught something and believe it!!


New member
Reznor007 said:

That's the problem. You only know that because it was forced down your throat(not meant to be offensive, but from the situation, realize that it was). You were never given a chance to go out and find what you think is right, you were TOLD that was right from the day you were born.

Try to look at the topic from the other perspective.
i was never forced to

they ask u which religion u want to be when ur 7
i read all of them
read 2 copies of bible
read 2 copies of torah
read 2 copies of quran

when iread the quran

i dont know i felt somethin like shever

i found out that the bible has been changed

and so does the torah

cause when i read the quran the 2nd time
i read the words carefully
i really liked it

i was given a chance to become non believer

when i was 6th i really asked my self this

who created the earth
who created the plants
who created us
who created religions

and note when i read the bible and torah
i felt that it handwritten even if i was 7
but when i read the quran
a god made it
impossible to be hand written
and then i studied the islam
i found out that it was never changed
from 1400 years
tell now
that why i believed in god
and i trusted my self
when i believed in god
i found out he is much more powerfull from us
like when "abraha" tried to destroy the kaba with his elephants
allah made the birds hold down its food
and when i left it it came down on abraha's head
and he was died because of their food
do u see how small it is
and how much damage it did

its impossible
but when i studied this part
i found it was allah's power that is powerfull enough to make it destroy abraha

so there is so many stories to make u believe
but am not enough with learnin islam

if someone like a shiek talked to u he will make u believe
am sure 100 %

a shiek made a guy who is totaly unbeliever made him believe
i dont know how

its impossible

i couldn't believe it when i heard it at first

but i found out it was true

just learn islam please sytaylor or any other non believer



New member
sytaylor said:

I DONT KNOW!!!!! and i dont think being taught something from birth is enough proof! if just means you have been taught something and believe it!!
well i wasn't tought it

when i was born i was born muslim
they made me muslim as i said before

but i also didn't believe untill i read the quran
and studied islam

i liked it

and i studied it well

so read the last post to see what was the rest of the story


Josep said:
Rpglover12 is a tender age of 13, he has pleanty of years to grow and get a better understanding and grasp of life. And even later in life if Rpglover12's religion stays absolutly the same, there's obviously nothing wrong with that.
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