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Gta3 Pc Makes Me Cry


New member
My system (mentioned in a previous post in this topic) isn't the best in the world, but even on the second island the framerate doesn't drop. It's odd, how it can work so well on one machine, and then so badly on another.

Morrowind also runs brilliantly for me, Antialiasing doesn't make any difference to the framerate (proving I'm CPU limited), however people with faster processors have been reporting pretty low framerates.

The main problem with Morrowind is the crash to desktop bug, which definately needs fixing. Originally I did also experience many hard crash bugs, but narrowed that down to overheating, since putting another fan in that problem has disappeared.



It runs almost-perfect on my brother`s 1.3ghz, and like crap on my 1.5 ghz... which makes very little sense. I`ve heard that using the no cd crack or copying certain files to the hard drive can remove the occasional momentary stops while playing. Anyone tested those theories?


New member
The NO CD crack works fine. Simply copy the entire Audio folder from the CD to to a folder in the GTA3 directory, then apply the crack.

The game now reads Radio Stations etc from the HD, which helps stop the constant pausing whilst the CD seeks to the tracks when in the car.


get out of my house
the games engine is absolute crap. notice the difference in framerates when you look up at the sky and walk and then you look at a street and walk. it has a problem with rendering draw distances, no doubt about it.


New member
No problems with me. This engine seems very tempermental however, so when I eventually reformat XP, I will no doubt start experiencing problems also!

Also, any game regardless will run faster when looking at the sky, or ground (only) simply because it doesn't have to render anything else. So to criticise the game engine on the grounds that it runs faster in those circumstances, isn't really a valid criticsm.


It`s weird that it has so many problems though... the game *isn`t* all that complex for the most part (Driver and Midtown Madness both managed huge living cities on much lower specs), the textures aren`t exactly cutting edge... I haven`t encountered any radio-related pauses myself, just the odd few seconds of sudden freezing (usually when exiting a car), then everything is fine again. I have heard stories that this all may actually be due to the game storing data for the replay feature (see gta3.com) which sound plausible. Let`s face it, its hardly the greatest feature as it is. ;)


New member
should i upgrade to geforce 3 64 mgs to make that game run well on my pc i need it to run full speed
i have p4 1.7 , 256 ram , tnt2 m64 32 mgs should i make the card geforce 3 64 mgs to make it run full speed plz answer me guys


Emu64 Staff
Can anyone say : Console port?
That`s what usually happens with ports. I think that the only port that wasn`t really buggy was THPS3, and even that one had some shit related to it.


That`s to be expected though. Coding for a set-spec console is bound to produce less junk than for randomly specced PC`s... they just needed to put a bit more effort in.
