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Crikey! Steve Urwin is dead!


New member
Still, sad news when a celebrity with millions of dollars dies.

What the fuck does him having money have anything to do with it?.... that type of attitude annoys the heck out of me to be honest.

I think this happening is a damn shame, he did a great deal for animals - writing him off as someone who only served to annoy them is doing him a great injustice. Heck he used to try to rescue and move dangerous creatures when the other alternative was to just shoot them.

Personally I thought he was excellent at what he did and actually believed in it, oh and the small matter of using a large proportion of his money to buy up great swathes of land to stop them being destroyed with development.

RIP Steve


At your service, dood!
Oh that, I can explain that - thats my typical stereotypical joke I use whenever a rich guy (ones I don't know much about) dies, I mean no harm by it really although it does sound nasty I guess. It's like my running joke, At least he died doing what he loved at least thats something. As for the poking animals bit, I always get that bloke confused with how South Park made fun of him or someone like him "I'm going to jam my thumb up its asshole"

I apologize if I offended you Trotter. Don't take me too seriously, I have a twisted sense of humor. when bill gates dies i'll probably say something like "At least he's in the grave of the future".
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Did you know Steve Urwin was a Melbourne boy like me? Everyone, Including myself, probably assumed he was raised by a pack of dingos and lived out bush all his life but he actually lived in the burbs when he was a youngie and then later moved to the Sunshine Coast. There you go. Melbourne. The most livable city!


SlimickGamer said:
Isn't Melbourne one of the big cities in Australia 'cause we just studied Australia in Geography?

Why, yes it is! :)

Home to Dame Edna, Kylie Minogue, er... that Aussie Doctor from House, Marissa's on screen dad from O.C (He carked it in series 2, I think) and, uh...too many more to list. ;)


Of course! The Outback is my backyard! Now if you will excuse me I have 10 kangaroos, 6 wombats, 4 koalas, 2 dingos, 3 crocodiles, 5 snakes and a goanna to feed. Oh and a stingray in the fish pond, but he's been a very naughty boy so he misses his dinner tonight.

Janet Merai

TLOZ: Unicorns Lair Artist
I used to dislike the show because I was into animation and cartooning, and 3D.

But...i've grown past that and I realize how important of a guy he is.

Infact, I am saddened such a guy even died, he didn't deserve it =/

Oh, and I know about that whole child and crocodile thing.
Seriously, Steve is an expert, why the hell are people outside of these forums arguing it was wrong? Steven KNEW what he was doing, and I give him credit.

His child was safe, and he knew it, but those annoying critics say that Steve was irrespsonsible.

Steve is one of those guys I hold dear in my heart, he created a new foundation on wild-life.

Rest in peace, Steve.


New member
Oh, and I know about that whole child and crocodile thing.
Seriously, Steve is an expert, why the hell are people outside of these forums arguing it was wrong? Steven KNEW what he was doing, and I give him credit.

His child was safe, and he knew it, but those annoying critics say that Steve was irrespsonsible.

If you ever get a kid you will know that no parent will ever think this way, there is no safe when it comes to your kid´s life.

As i think of all dead ppl, it is a shame he died but, as all of us, he screwed up too.
Hey, everybody dies right? I mean some guy died, but not some other guy. He was important, and should be in the Encyclopedia :p but more worse is there's probably another World War comin'. Oh well, he's in heaven now...R.I.P Steve, a man who had an iron fist of balance with the wildlife and a man with a heart of gold... lol


New member
The worst part of Irwin's death is that it was a complete freak accident.

Like, less than 20 people worldwide are known to have been killed by stingrays in the last 150 years.

And of the three known in Australia (now including Irwin)? All of 'em took the stingray barb through the heart.

But it's common enough for people to step on them and get whacked by the barb, because it's a defensive mechanism for the ray. Irwin just happened to be at the wrong spot when this one moved, even though he wasn't screwing with it.

He annoyed the hell out of me at times as well, but he did great things for animal conservation, among other things.


WhiteX said:
Is that the same guy that believed you were a porn star? :p

You mean I was the Porn Star, or so I am in my dreams... :)

Somebody should hang that Germaine Greer woman or at least wack her with a dead dingo's donger. Her comments were totally out of line and insensitive. :(
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