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Dolphin Lover
vampireuk said:
How has Bush killed anybody? How many people died in 9/11, do you condemn the real terrorists for that action?

And how many People died in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam !!??

Do u realy think thats okay ?!

I dont think so


New member
vampireuk said:
Typical ignorance right there Eagle, you obviously know nothing about Bush aside from the fact that he messes up while speaking now and again, the fact is he is smarter than you. He is smarter than me, he is probably smarter than 99.9% of the members at emutalk. Form your own view of bush instead of listening what the moronic left has to say about him. You don't graduate from Yale by been a idiot, oh and Bush is also more intelligent than Kerry ;)

For the sake of arguement, Kerry also graduated from Yale.

But then, Bush had his Daddy get him into the joint to begin with.

It reminds me of that FedEx commercial though: "Oh... you have an MBA. Here, let me show you...", as if having a degree from some place like Yale or Harvard means you're some frickin genius. It doesn't.

As for Bush's speaking ability, well, we don't want to "misunderstimate" him now, do we?


Mr. Super Clever
LaLLe said:
And how many People died in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam !!??

Do u realy think thats okay ?!

What does Bush have to do with Vietnam? Think before you speak :rolleyes:

Also where is your criticism of France for Vietnam?


Mr. Super Clever
smegforbrain said:
For the sake of arguement, Kerry also graduated from Yale.

But then, Bush had his Daddy get him into the joint to begin with.

It reminds me of that FedEx commercial though: "Oh... you have an MBA. Here, let me show you...", as if having a degree from some place like Yale or Harvard means you're some frickin genius. It doesn't.

As for Bush's speaking ability, well, we don't want to "misunderstimate" him now, do we?

Yes Kerry also graduated from Yale, but nobody is foolishly trying to question Kerry's intelligence. Bush graduated from Yale on his own merits, a degree does not make you a genious but you do have to be academically intelligent to gain one in the first place. Bush stumbles when speaking from a script in public as many people do, when talking from the heart he is a excellent speaker. If a degree is no proof of intelligence public speaking skills definately are not either.


At your service, dood!
vampireuk said:
Then in the next 11 days I suggest you do some serious thinking because you sound like a 14 year old irational I hate George W Bush because it is cool drone. Also why did you bring up the fact that I'm a mod? I didn't do that, but now you mention yes I am a moderator thankyou.
Heh, when did I mention bush in that last post? It wasn't just his decision to go to war with afganistan after all. I don't care if you think I sound like a 14 year old, you are british and so am I, neigher of us's opinions matter when it comes to the election in America, for that fact neigher of us truly know what would be best for America in the long run.

Basing Bush's actions against the war on terror is no reason to elect someone president, any old coot could have done that and America would probably reacted somewhat the same to sep11th if Gore was in.

You're right, afganistan was a safe haven, but there are lots of places like that on the world, should we bomb them too?

You should see the movie Fahrenheit 9/11, it makes you think too... whether its right or not is another matter but i am not convinced that Bush should've won, I mean it was pretty damn obvisous that was fixed. Hence the reason I would rather have Kerry win, can't stand cheaters.


Mr. Super Clever
Heh, when did I mention bush in that last post? It wasn't just his decision to go to war with afganistan after all. I don't care if you think I sound like a 14 year old, you are british and so am I, neigher of us's opinions matter when it comes to the election in America, for that fact neigher of us truly know what would be best for America in the long run.

Perhaps on most counts but I have a great fondness of America and keep myself up to date on issues over there and talk a lot about politics with like minded people in the US. So I do have more of a idea of what is best for America in the long run.

Basing Bush's actions against the war on terror is no reason to elect someone president

You could not be more mistaken, a strong leader in the face of terrorism is vital for the future of America at the moment. John Kerry is not qualified to command the US military, he has constantly cut the legs out from under the military while on the senate again and again.

You should see the movie Fahrenheit 9/11

I have no need to see that movie, Michael Moore does nothing but lie and twist stories to suit his own agenda. Explain how Bush cheated to win the election? The only way Gore could have won florida would have been through illegal counting of the ballots, victory at any cost huh?


Dolphin Lover
vampireuk said:
I have no need to see that movie, Michael Moore does nothing but lie and twist stories to suit his own agenda. Explain how Bush cheated to win the election? The only way Gore could have won florida would have been through illegal counting of the ballots, victory at any cost huh?

Sorry i cant belive that a person can be so naive :down:

btw. 100% Agree with ScottJC


Mr. Super Clever
LaLLe said:
Sorry i cant belive that a person can be so naive :down:

btw. 100% Agree with ScottJC

Naive because I don't agree with you? It is a well known fact (again) that Bush won Florida and that the only way Gore could have won it is through illegal means. Why don't you look at the facts instead of clinging onto your weak opinion that goes against all logic and truth.


Dolphin Lover
vampireuk said:
Naive because I don't agree with you? It is a well known fact (again) that Bush won Florida and that the only way Gore could have won it is through illegal means. Why don't you look at the facts instead of clinging onto your weak opinion that goes against all logic and truth.

No naive because u dont see the truth ... watch Fahrenheit 9/11 than we talk again and i´ll bet u will see things in different light than :cool:


Mr. Super Clever
LaLLe said:
No naive because u dont see the truth ... watch Fahrenheit 9/11 than we talk again and i´ll bet u will see things in different light than :cool:

So I only see the truth if I believe the spin and lies of a man who wants nothing more than to see Bush out of the whitehouse? I do my own research instead of letting a fat man tell me what to believe.


Keeper of The Iron Tail
AlphaWolf said:
Funny you should mention that...


This even coming from NYTimes, a newspaper that definitely hates Bush. Apparently this is backed by many experts on what makes a person smart. You wanted proof? There you have it.

"During the last presidential campaign Mr. Sailer estimated from Mr. Bush's SAT score (1206) that his I.Q. was in the mid-120's, about 10 points lower than Al Gore's."

1206 on the SAT? Wow that blows. SAT was so easy. 1550 first try :D

Now anyway. An estimated 125 for bush (95%ile) vs. 120 for kerry (91%ile). i congratulate bush. They're both very close, considering IQ does not translate into auto-good-political-leading. But I wish I could see some more of this intelligence during the Iraq decision.

Of course in your defense, one could always argue that higher intelligence doesn't necessary indicate a better ability to do a given job. Hell, we don't just arbitrarily put every Einstein we run across into office. A number of things are involved. The presidents job would definitely require somebody to take a solid stance on what policies they will enact without being easily persuaded for example.

You might like to believe otherwise (such as believing that it is better to have an even more open mind, which isn't a bad thing up until it reaches a certain extreme) but take a look at all of the most well known presidents in US history (Washington, Lincoln, FDR,) and you'll notice something they all have quite in common, vs those who were less popular (Carter.)
Sure. But you have to take the right standpoint in the first place, it doesn't matter how hard you stand by your decision, if it were wrong. Similarly, it's very easy to stand by a decision that is overwhelmingly viewed as "right". In that case, we would admire their strong stance, but really it was the good choice in the first place that we should admire.

I hope you see the point i'm trying to make here. Smarter decision >> unwavering decision. You may think that he's made all the right ones so far, but I don't. And what happens when one day Bush takes a stand that you do think is wrong? What then? Tell him to stay strong?


At your service, dood!
Well, I suppose the cheating thing is neigher here nor there, nobody really knows if he did or not for sure, its just personal opinion that I think Al Gore should have won the election, regardless, bush is here now and me saying Al gore should've won won't change anything, the Supreme court ruled Bush president so legally he is president.

I honestly don't know, Kerry sounds like a turd and Bush sounds like a Douche, watch that new ep of south park and you'll get it... you've got to always choose between a turd and a douche... lol :p, the real question is, which is the lesser of two evils?


Mr. Super Clever
Well, I suppose the cheating thing is neigher here nor there, nobody really knows if he did or not for sure, its just personal opinion that I think Al Gore should have won the election

Your opinion holds no water however because it is pure and simple fact that Bush won and should have won the election.


At your service, dood!
You are correct, however I did say "the Supreme court ruled Bush president so legally he is president." ;) So I already admitted that.


Keeper of The Iron Tail
vampireuk said:
Afganistan was ruled by the taleban which was allowing Al Queda to stay inside the country with their support. The US ousted the taleban from power and has scatted Al Queda from their safe ground. These are facts, you cannot dispute facts with rhetoric, terrorists attacked the US and the US targeted those who were responsible. Where is the hidden agenda?
yup, 100% supported.

Those who shout the loudest are most often heard.
quite right.

Iraq was run by a murdering madman who has killed hundreds of thousands of people while violating UN sanctions. The US did what the UN did not have the guts to do and used force to stop Saddam. And as I said earlier weapons banned under the UN sanctions were found in Iraq.
Problem is anti-saddam sentiment has died down over the years since Saddam committed those atrocities. Bad timing. Declaring open war was supposed to improve their image, show their strength, and show that they fight for principles. The support wasn't there, so at that point they should have gone to Plan B. Silently take out Saddam. It's been done before, to plenty of south american countries, and only the conspiracy theorists would cry out, and go ignored (vs. huge media fiasco of today). No harm done to self-image. it's ingenious really.

Funnily enough more people were starved to death by the corrupt UN oil fod food fiasco than were killed during the liberation of Iraq. But don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric right?
yeah, that's fucked up.


Orkin said:
Ummm...according to the law set out by the founding fathers, Bush was elected 100% legally. We use electoral votes instead of popular vote to protect the interest of states with a smaller population. The U.S. is a republic after all, and not a democracy, as many would have you believe.
Really? Not counting a vast quantity of votes by minorities in a swing state that your brother runs, and having your campaign manager deny a recount was never in the constitution. And it's highly illegal, currupt and is the least democratic thing that has happened in this country in let's just round it off here: THE LAST 200 YEARS. Check your facts dude.

Orkin said:
Boost popularity? Someone in this very thread said he's hated around the world because of the war...
Boost his popularity here in this country. His approval soared here after he attacked afganistan. People here were blood thirsty after 911, and he went ahead and attacked some random country. I'll agree it was less random than Iraq, but he went ahead and blew any credibility by also attacking there with "shock and awe" no less, maiming and murdering thousands of innocent people that had already suffered greatly under the hands of Saddam, who his daddy, and his daddy's ex employer (reagan) had promoted and held in the position, despite an aggregious war criminal record including gassing whole villages of indiginous people (the kurds in the north). I don't think you know anything about it, or you wouldn't have even tried to open your mouth here. There are pictures of rumsfeld (GW's secretary of defence) SHAKING HANDS with saddam, the whole neoconservative group has such filthy hands across the board in dealing (and funding!) mass murderers that it is apalling. Here's a list of Bush Sr. CIA funded war criminals:
Bin Laden.

Bush's Dad (and reagan) are THE REASON all these global atrocities have taken place in the first place. You sleep with dogs, you get fleas, and that's what 911 was all about. That and the fact that we give isreal the weapons to exterminate muslims throughout the middle east, at will.

Orkin said:
What media are you reading/watching? The media says bad stuff against Bush constantly, and let's just about anything Kerry does slide. The majority of American media is owned and operated by extreme liberals...
That is a HUGE myth.
You mean the same media (fox news) that is run by Bush's brother in law? You mean the same media that said Kerry doesn't deserve his war medals because he objected to the wholesale slaughter of indigenous people when he came back? The same media that blatantly tried to spin Bush as not a loser in the debates when he was left stuttering moronically on more than one occasion? What media are YOU watching? CSPAN? That's about the only place you can get ANY non right wing news in this country, and they don't spin anything at all, so it's pretty far from liberal.

Orkin said:
We (the U.S.) haven't gotten any more oil out of the war in Iraq...
Well, maybe not, but I think Halliburton has made ALOT of money. I think Halliburton has gotten all the oil, and they're gonna give it to us again at the pumps, just like they did last time (enron). The whole thing is so currupt and disgusting I can't believe anyone with a brain would even attempt to discuss it from another stand point.

Orkin said:
Last I checked the president didn't do that...some lame-brained egotistical U.S. soldiers that should be stripped of their rank and thrown in prison did...
Check again. It's called Guantanamo Bay. Prison photos in Iraq, mysteriously dead prisoners that had no trial, and were set on ice to show that they had died earlier than actuality for some reason? IF Bush is commander in chief the buck stops there, and he's broken the Geneva convention 20 fold. Not just in war prisoner's rights, but also in other ways like "Shock and Awe".

I hate to rip you a new one, as you have written a great plugin that I use and appreciate. But your political ignorance is a big part of why this country is no longer a democracy, and as I see it, you and others who support the current totalitarian regime are crapping on my grandparents (WW2 Vets, both of them) graves, as they fought real wars for real freedoms, and not simply money wars for increased economic control of oil by not even the US, but privately held companies like Halliburton and Enron that have proven track records of abusing the american populace as well.

And Vamp, you can quit attacking Kerry now. I believe I called him a vacous career politician. Any attacks on him do not change my factual criticisms of the current dictator of america, who really DOES


hate freedom. And yeah, Kerry also voted for the patriot act, so he's also a traitor to this country and what my relatives have died for, he's just currently a less successful threat, as he hasn't faked an election and sent dozens of inner city kids to their deaths for his buddy's currupt energy corporation (yet). I do believe that if he is elected he will do about the same thing, though.

vampireuk said:
I have no need to see that movie, Michael Moore does nothing but lie and twist stories to suit his own agenda. Explain how Bush cheated to win the election? The only way Gore could have won florida would have been through illegal counting of the ballots, victory at any cost huh?
This is a great bit of Rush Limbaugh rebroadcast. The facts remain on Florida: Huge numbers of legitimate voters were kept from the polls. Ballots were hidden or thrown away. A recount was denied by a former Bush campaign manager. The Supreme court that was largely put in by Bush/Reagan also denied a recount. Most likely Gore would've won Florida, if there had been a legal and DEMOCRATIC election process, which plainly there wasn't.
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Mr. Super Clever
Perhaps you should do some research and realise gore could only win by using illegal methods of counting, Bush won florida and it seems to me you think laws should be broken to keep bush out of power.
