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Zelda OoT: Death Mountain


New member
I have been stuck on this bit for over six months believe it or not?

I cant get past the boulders at the mountain summit. I presume I need the power bracelet like in previous Zelda games.


New member
When I posted this & before going to gamefaqs I couldnt use bombs because I didnt have the bracelet.

I was sure that I had played all the tunes to that cave guy thats why I was stuck.


IceFlow2 said:
When I posted this & before going to gamefaqs I couldnt use bombs because I didnt have the bracelet.

I was sure that I had played all the tunes to that cave guy thats why I was stuck.

I know! Go deep into the lost woods, find saria, learn her song, play it to the big guy.


Active member
alexa999 said:

Try to stop making those kind of posts.nephalim maybe only gave one word but it's usefull, more than 80% of yours.

IceFlow2 : always try to find any walkthrough on the net or, gamefaqs of course. but still some things are always missing ;)


M00pen sistay foor!
Waaaaaahhhhhhh? 6 months? I was stuck on that part for a hour! You just get the power bracelet (forgot how) and blow up the rocks! Teh end.


New member
lol, yeah 6 moths!!!

I had a break from the game and forgot what I had to do . I ended up just walking around doing nothing so I stopped playing it and had little goes at it until now.

Not 6 months of non-stop playing.

BTW the Earlier Zelda's are far more entertaining than this. Just cos its got better graphics doesent mean its a better game.
