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ZeLdA mAsTeR qUeSt probs

GrIm ReApEr

Roc on da ZeLdA games!!!!!!!!
sumfins rong wid link cos he won't jump over ledges and stuff like dat i just wanna know if its da game or da emulator cos he doesn't do dat on pj64 it wouldn't because of the cheats would it because i need to levitate to cross gaps etc
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Active member
Well, it's almost certainly the cheat you are using. There is no point in the game that requires the levitation cheat to pass, so I suggest you disable it.

GrIm ReApEr

Roc on da ZeLdA games!!!!!!!!
i disabled the cheat but he still does it could it be the other cheats im using???

and i just found something else wrong hyrule town its stuffed and thats all i found so far
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GrIm ReApEr

Roc on da ZeLdA games!!!!!!!!
its ok now link just started jumping when he's suppose to its ok there is only one more problem but its not really a biggy its that all the text is in black and epona is partically white and all the buttons are red although i like it do you have any solutions??

GrIm ReApEr

Roc on da ZeLdA games!!!!!!!!
its ok now link just started jumping when he's suppose to its ok there is only one more problem but its not really a biggy its that all the text is in black and epona is partically white and im missing the 3rd heart in the container and all the buttons are red although i like it do you have any solutions??

GrIm ReApEr

Roc on da ZeLdA games!!!!!!!!
its ok now link just started jumping when he's suppose to its ok there is only one more problem but its not really a biggy its that all the text is in black and epona is partically white and im missing the 3rd heart in the container and all the buttons are red although i like it do you have any solutions??

and also the epuipment screen were link is suppose to be has a slight picture of the hylian shield and its all messed up but i can still select the equpiment
