I dont want to make this into an argument but I bring my point again, the reason most ppl require a 2.0 ghz computer is because of win xp, the emulator does not use 2.0ghz(3.2 on my case) or 512 of ram for itself it uses some of it for emulation, win xp uses the rest like I said for different services, check your taskbar. I think in my opinion it is possible to emulate the dreamcast on the xbox at full speed but not anytime soon, and not without more knowledge on how the xbox custom board works and how to use it to emulate the dreamcast. Remember the xbox does not need to use win xp like the pc does, it would just need to emulated the dc bios, and the dc hardware not an easy task but a possible one, in a galaxy far away, where the emu devs live, lol