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White screen kind of


New member
Hi there, because of my awful TV i've decided to try my hand at Dolphin. My first attempt was with my SMS, I open up Dolphin load up the rom and it acts like it'as loading it, I can see for about 4 seconds the buttons, description, etc for the game but then it goes back to white.

What's wrong here?

EDIT: Ok I managed to fix the problem, but this leaves me with a new one. The game's FPS is ridiculously slow, I have a fairly decent computer, though i'd expect it to be low, not this low. Any clue?
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Active member
From the sticky:

Q: Whoa, Dolphin is running as fast as a pregnant snail, what am I doing wrong?
A: The Nintendo Gamecube is a very advanced platform and (todays) computers are not fast enough yet to emulate it with the techniques we use. So... you aren't doing anything wrong! Upgrading a CPU or GPU won't gain you much more performance (you will only gain 1-5 fps). IF you decide to upgrade just besure to get a 64-bit CPU and a GPU which supports (at least) 2.0 pixelshaders.
