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Which one - PHP or Html?


New member

Which one do you feel comfortable in using, PHP or Html?


PHP generates HTML. PHP is for logic, and HTML is generally just for displaying the information. PHP without HTML is a blank webpage, and HTML without PHP (or a similar technology) is static, unchanging. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't understand your question. =]


New member
Hmm, he seems very simillar to other bots who posted here. Joined today and posted 3 unrelated to each other threads in a very short time. Though he doesn't have spam in his signature. I wonder why would anyone do this.


New member
Hmm, he seems very simillar to other bots who posted here. Joined today and posted 3 unrelated to each other threads in a very short time. Though he doesn't have spam in his signature. I wonder why would anyone do this.
He/she/it was a spammer, but I edited the signature. It's my little experiment (I would normally ban). The posts seem too sophisticated for a bot, so I want to see if the "person" returns to the scene of the crime, so to speak...


Master of the Emulation Flame
He/she/it was a spammer, but I edited the signature. It's my little experiment (I would normally ban). The posts seem too sophisticated for a bot, so I want to see if the "person" returns to the scene of the crime, so to speak...
I think, that's the reason I deactivated all signatures in the board. =)
I wondered the same, if this is a bot, but he placed three topics in the right place and also added some stuff, that a bot never did before.


New member
This could actually be a human posting this. I've seen somewhere that you may even get paid for doing such things.


New member
This could actually be a human posting this. I've seen somewhere that you may even get paid for doing such things.
That's what I suspect.

Hmm...maybe I should get in on this racket. With my (mod) power I can change the sigs to lead to sites that benefit me. *snigger*
