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What would be the best configuration for a PS2 like controller?


New member
Hi everyone, I have the Thrustmaster 2 in 1 DT gamepad. It is almost similar like the one you can see beneath.

But now I was wondering what do you think would be the best button configuration, for PJ64. Because my controller has more buttons then the original N64 gamepad.

My button configuration at the moment:

Analog Stick: Left analog stick
C-Buttons: Right analog stick
D-Pad: The D-pad
Left: Left 1
Right: Right 1
Z: Left 2
A: Cross
B: Square
Start: Start

Note: Instead of numbers on the 4 buttons in the right there are the PS symbols.


New member
It's really just a case of personal preference. The configuration you're using is similar to mine on my Xbox controller, and it works fine. You can use your spare buttons for whatever you want -- macros, rapid-fire buttons, toggles, etc.

Make sure you're using the N-Rage plugin, because it is very flexible. One particular thing you should do is assign a button to toggle between Rumble Pack and Controller Pack. (Short Cuts tab.)
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