Category: <b>Jaguar</b><br><br>via
Virtual Jaguar SVN r385 is released. Virtual Jaguar is an open source emulator based on Jagem (Virtual Jaguar) for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. The source also compiles on BeOS. Virtual Jaguar is an awesome Atari Jaguar emulator with great compatibility.
Virtual Jaguar SVN Changelog:
Small code cleanups, file picker now grabs everything it knows about by
default. To look at even stuff VJ *doesn't* understand can be overridden by a
config option.
Virtual Jaguar SVN r385 is released. Virtual Jaguar is an open source emulator based on Jagem (Virtual Jaguar) for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. The source also compiles on BeOS. Virtual Jaguar is an awesome Atari Jaguar emulator with great compatibility.
Virtual Jaguar SVN Changelog:
Small code cleanups, file picker now grabs everything it knows about by
default. To look at even stuff VJ *doesn't* understand can be overridden by a
config option.