What's new

Unofficial RiceDaedalus ini


Emu_64 HiP Coder
What's new

- File is now based on Rice's ini from 29/30. So it includes changes on Framebuffer settings, games that didn't worked with Emulate Clear (Jet Force Gemini) and maybe something else. Well, basically Rice's last ini with more crcs.

- FastTextureCRC set to off for Pokemon snap and Magical Tetris Challenge

(03/11/2003) Updated:
- Enabled Emulate Clear for games that may requiere it. This includes:
* 1080° snowboarding
* Donkey Kong 64
* Jet Force Jemini
* Pokemon Stadium
* Star Wars EP1 Racer
* Star Twins
* Zelda OoT
* Zelda MM
* Zelda MQ
* Removed: Conkers Bad Fur Day (crashes at intro with emu clear on)
NOTE: The above games need to be checked.
- Added a few games to the Ini (like Virtual Pool and Star Twins)
- Some minor other changes

- Added: Tamagotchi w/ FastLoadTile
- Added: Bangaioh, Mega Man 64, California Speed w/ IncTexRectEdge
- New Entry: South Park

- Game: Super Robot Spirits now has "At first drawing" buffer update as default.


- Added updated settings for a lot of roms, specially [E] versions. The corresponding versions had different settings that worked, but the other country versions didn't. (for example Yoshi Island [E], Killer Instinct [E], etc.)
- Added CRCs that were missing for a lot of roms (like A Bugs Life, 1080 Snowboarding, etc.)
- Sorted the Ini Alphabetically, with comments preceding a group a similar roms (roms that differ only on CRC or country version), for easy file browsing. The comments are there, but not too descriptive yet (it's just the internal rom name :satisfied) .

I will try to make some setting adjustments (but i think most games work fine the way they are), add more descriptive comments (if i don't feel that lazy), and check for any game that didn't make to the ini (i'm using the project64 rdb for now as comparison, i need to check the 1964 RomList) :shifty:
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The Siskoo

Very good job. Thanks for that.

Could you add for Super Robot Spirits (J) [!] (Rice Daedalus 5.2.0) --> in directx mode, frame update at --> At The 1st drawing.

Without this setting, when you choose your character, there are some gfx probl.


Emu_64 HiP Coder
You're welcome Rice. Glad it was useful! :)

Siskoo: Added what you asked for. Updated ini at first post. Thanx Gent for the upload+link!
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The Siskoo

For Automobili Lamborghini (E) [!] and Automobili Lamborghini (U) [!], could you put in Gamma Correction : 4 - More Brighter.

Thanks for the last add. ;-)

The Siskoo

About thin line, you can add IncTexRectEdge at California Speed (U) [!]. there is again some lit' gfx. But this setting improve the quality.


Emu_64 HiP Coder
Rice said:
Whenever you see thin line acrossing the textures, you can add a line to the INI file for this game to fix it.


Thanx Rice!, now i know what that setting does (it's fun i couldn't figure it out) :) . Now i'm just missing what hacks do... :whistling (i have none of the games that uses them, so i can't test them :( )

Oh just one question Rice: Is there a way to set the Gamma in the INI? As far as I know it is a global setting right?

Oh.. I updated the Ini file again. I have uploaded the file to my webhost, to not bother Gent everytime i upload a new file.

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Emulator Developer
There is no option for Gamma setting in INI.
"Hacks" is not using any more.

Gamma is actually not a good feature. It could cause problems in some games. At least it could cause alpha test problem (transparent object is not transparent anymore.) in a few games.

Gamma is a global setting, it is saved in registry.


Emu_64 HiP Coder
Rice said:
There is no option for Gamma setting in INI.
"Hacks" is not using any more.

Gamma is actually not a good feature. It could cause problems in some games. At least it could cause alpha test problem (transparent object is not transparent anymore.) in a few games.

Gamma is a global setting, it is saved in registry.

That means i can savely delete all PrimaryDephHack, Texture1Hack, etc. lines from the ini? They could be removed from the "More Options..." dialog, so other users don't get confused....

Yep i have seen problems with gamma (in Mario Tennis for example). Siskoo, does the game look too dark??


Emulator Developer
Hold on, my mistake, these hacks are still in use, don't delete them. There was a general hack option, it is not in use any more.


Emu_64 HiP Coder
Phew, thanx for claryfing my doubt, i almost send those lines to a better life...

The Siskoo

NeTo said:
Yep i have seen problems with gamma (in Mario Tennis for example). Siskoo, does the game look too dark??

I don't have problems with gamma settings. Just take a look on the picture.



Emu_64 HiP Coder
LazerTag said:
NeTo the link for the INI is not working for me here. Is it unavailable?

:drool: Attachments are back! There shouldn't be any more problems with the file now.


Emu_64 HiP Coder
File updated at the first post. Hope i didn't broke anything with so many emulate clears...


Active member
On Magical Tetris Challenge, fast texture needs to be set to off in order for the letters in story mode text to be correct.
