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Typos typos typos...

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<Slougi> get a thorougbred tesla

Why do ppl make typos? Aren't your stupid fingers accurate enough? only typo i make is teh instead of the cauz of the 1337 fastness of my fingers.

btw whoever finds out what slougi meant gets pj1.6 :p


Philosopher Warrior
Tesla-Guy said:
<Slougi> get a thorougbred tesla

Why do ppl make typos? Aren't your stupid fingers accurate enough? only typo i make is teh instead of the cauz of the 1337 fastness of my fingers.

btw whoever finds out what slougi meant gets pj1.6 :p

Tesla, it should be THE only typo I make not "only typo i make." And you should NEVER use a lower-case "I" when speaking about yourself. Also, don't forget to use a capitol letter at the begining of a sentence.:cool:
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