There is an option in the bios of my mobo that says "Top performance".
What does this actualy do, it is off by default.
does it increase speed and decrease stability? please let me now if you know something about this setting
Top performance ? It changes some BIOS setting's to optimal valus for the MotherBoard but it's better to set them yourself sinc it/you may overclock the CPU or sth.
Top performance ? It changes some BIOS setting's to optimal valus for the MotherBoard but it's better to set them yourself sinc it/you may overclock the CPU or sth.
I don't have a pdf viewer installed atm, and am too lazy to do soP), but in what section is the option? What it might do is set memory timings to more aggressive values.
I turned it on and it gave me a huge perormance gain, in the pcmark bench i went form 4517 to 4661 in the cpu bench and in the memory bench it went form 3278 to 3688. it didn't changed the cas or the processor speed, i think it optimized something on the mobo or something like that because the stability is still perfect.
Sounds like the "Aggresive Performance" options in my BIOS. If you have low-quality components, it can cause stability issues. However, with good stuff, it gives a nice performance increase with 0 stability problems.