New member
I started with emulation back on my 486 with a gameboy emulator that was much too slow. That was probably 1995/6. After that it was NES, SNES, NEOGEO, N64, MAME etc etc. I've sorta come back to N64 emulation (and SNES). I just beat Conker after years of only playing half-way through. Now I'm working on Banjo Tooie which I've only gone half through in the past too. A lot of newer games are kinda boring me.
My 360 (which I hacked) died due to the RROD problem and I have no warranty. I've fixed it numerous times with some heatsink mounting mods but there is only so much you can do before the motherboard becomes useless. When it was working I didn't have much time available with the TV anyway so my game time was pretty low.
Playing PC games isn't great lately either because there are few good games coming out yet still the constant need to update hardware (though 2 year old hardware still supports the majority of stuff quite well). I also don't feel like using a mouse and keyboard lately since I use them so much at work and many PC games have crappy gamepad support (I hate figuring out how to assign buttons in a logical way).
Emulation is really a genius way to beat the system. There are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of excellent games that I've never played or at least never played for more than 5 minutes. I have probably 5 computers that go back until 2001 that meet the requirements for most of these games. They all work on my laptop too so I can take them on the go and just plug in my wireless 360 controller. I still have a decent collection of real N64 games but I find the emulation beats the real thing in this case. Games like Jet Force Gemini (which was panned for having an awful frame rate) perform 100% better. Improved graphics are also a bonus and you really appreciate how solid the N64 hardware really was. Emulation in general has really shown how good Nintendo was with making the most out of the odd hardware they chose for systems. Ideally the N64 would have been better with a dedicated sound processor or this and that but some of the developers made the most out of what they had.
Thanks for the plugin too Azimer. It's been my plugin of choice through most of my N64 emulation experience.
My 360 (which I hacked) died due to the RROD problem and I have no warranty. I've fixed it numerous times with some heatsink mounting mods but there is only so much you can do before the motherboard becomes useless. When it was working I didn't have much time available with the TV anyway so my game time was pretty low.
Playing PC games isn't great lately either because there are few good games coming out yet still the constant need to update hardware (though 2 year old hardware still supports the majority of stuff quite well). I also don't feel like using a mouse and keyboard lately since I use them so much at work and many PC games have crappy gamepad support (I hate figuring out how to assign buttons in a logical way).
Emulation is really a genius way to beat the system. There are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of excellent games that I've never played or at least never played for more than 5 minutes. I have probably 5 computers that go back until 2001 that meet the requirements for most of these games. They all work on my laptop too so I can take them on the go and just plug in my wireless 360 controller. I still have a decent collection of real N64 games but I find the emulation beats the real thing in this case. Games like Jet Force Gemini (which was panned for having an awful frame rate) perform 100% better. Improved graphics are also a bonus and you really appreciate how solid the N64 hardware really was. Emulation in general has really shown how good Nintendo was with making the most out of the odd hardware they chose for systems. Ideally the N64 would have been better with a dedicated sound processor or this and that but some of the developers made the most out of what they had.
Thanks for the plugin too Azimer. It's been my plugin of choice through most of my N64 emulation experience.