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The Next Upgrade


Persona User
Doomulation said:
Btw, another question. I will probably find it cheaper that when I need to upgrade the system next time, I will use SLI. Although I am not a fan of SLI, it would probably be cheaper than buying a new tough high-end card, no?
So, would the PSU suffice for this?
I need to find a motherboad to support SLI also, that has the same features (at least, that it was I hope for) that the one I've chosen above have.

SLI is not a good idea unless you put in SLI the new highend cards like the 7800's i.e: a single 6800GT is faster than 6600GT in SLI and the 6800GT will have the same price or can be cheaper than 2x6600GT's

So if you have the money to get 6600GT in SLI get a 6800GT instead.

Look at these benchmarks.


That's curious...
But what on the future? Will getting a new cad always be cheaper than simply getting (more powerful) 2x of some card?
Btw, I do not intend to get 2x gfx card. It's for future improvement.


Active member
SLi only starts to pay off in the high-end where single card solutions are not available which are faster than the SLi solutions.

If you get a 6800GT close to the release for $350 (for example), you don't have to sell the 6800GT and buy a 7800GTX for $500 when it's released, as you can get a second GT for $290 (as prices have since come down) and even get more performance than the 7800GTX with this.

But IMO, SLi as an upgrade path not a great deal as in this case you would lose all the features of the 7 series, and SLi uses a lot of power and produces more heat than a single card. You need a SLi capable motherboard and PSU for SLi which costs more as well. All in all, you pay more. I see SLi more as a means to get the very best whatever the cost.


Then it is excluded. I will go for the mentioned specs, then. Maybe a small change, then but eh... nothing is certain.


Ah, a final question.
Say I have two sticks of 512 mb of memory from one manufacturer running in dual channel. Would putting another two sticks of 512 mb memory from ANOTHER manufacturer work also, or would it actually break this fragile system?

Stick1 - Manufacturer1.
Stick2 - Manufacturer1.
Stick3 - Manufacturer2.
Stick4 - Manufacturer2.

Would this work?


Nintendo Fan
Yes it would, if it's the same speed on them. It can be a little trouble to get it to work, you may be forced to move around the memory sticks a little


Yes, all will be 400 MHz (PC3200), and I suppose I would stick them together like 1 & 2, then 3 & 4, pairing the sticks together nex to each other.
