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the joypad/keybord


New member
Im trying to beat Boswer (I have done millons on times on the super nes) but I cnt make boswer go really fast after graping his tail, How do you do that on a keybord :thumbsup:


New member
'Super Mario 64' you are playing perhaps? Just a guess.

It is possible to do the Bowser swing on the keyboard. I finished the game using the keyboard only. However, it is much easier using a mouse (or an N64 controller!) with an input plug-in that supports it - N-Rage's for example. See the FAQ for more info.


Doh! Just do it as on a gamepad!
Press up, right, down, left, up, and so on. You'll be able to swing him.


You should definately try using it :) In Mario64 you can even just about get away with using three buttons: A, B and Z.

But if you're using it for Tomb Raider, you probably have more than three buttons ;)
