I can't seem to get the game to save (normal battery method) in game it says "Failed to save" so I'm guessing the save type is wrong, so can anyone help?
Oh man thats weird i have it set in Flash 128k and automatic and it saves just fine.
Do you have it in automatic maybe you forgot to put back to automatic while playing some of those games that need to be set to the exact save type.
As i have games that work fine without a Bios and i have some that dont work fine unless they have a Bios.
Oh and if u are using a bios and it was downloaded from the internet there are like 3 or 4 different bios out there try with another go and google for it.
see if it helps http://retrocovers.com/advanscene/
on quick search write "ogre", you will see 3 games, one is jap one is the pure release and the other got a savegame patch for you to get.
That you are telling him to download is a savegame not a patch patches are .ips files and that you are telling him to download is a .sav file thus a savegame.
Its good to know you made it work and dont worry about bothering people thats why we are here to support us each other with the emulation problems we have. :icecream: