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Super Smash Bros Melee topic


New member
Anybody care to share their 4-5-1 etc.. ( CPU Counter, etc..)
Because i am getting Gekko CPU Registers Even with Pong!
I want to play SSBM(US) not (PAL)
(I know you will say I double Posted, but i searched for it but still no fix )
(Sorry for being a n00b)


New member
emuexpert said:
Anybody care to share their 4-5-1 etc.. ( CPU Counter, etc..)
Because i am getting Gekko CPU Registers Even with Pong!
I want to play SSBM(US) not (PAL)
(I know you will say I double Posted, but i searched for it but still no fix )
(Sorry for being a n00b)

Nah, i fixed this already now my problem is the gray screen, i used Knuckle's patch still that gray screen appears


New member
hello I Have a probleme with dolwin I can't run a game



sorry for my english i am french

who can help me
or who can send me his dolwin folder
with the patch for super smash bros melee [eur]


New member
ok dont run the compiler, use the interpreter. for the gray screen u have to plug into all of the controlers..... want i dunno is that how to make the game run for longer than 1 round...


Don't write any command. Just press F5 ;)
You SSBM doesn't go to next level ? Hmmm.. I don't have that problem. Maybe you need to wait a while.


New member
So is there any fix for a Gray screen?
I have PAL Version(GALP36)
I tryed the patch for it,plugen(unpluged)controllers,memcards,etc(even waited for 10 mins) and still get this stupid gray screen(video0.0).
Settings are 8-3-2
in Dolphin it worked(but crashes after some time)


New member
!!!!!!!!!!!! For Gray Screen Problems Turn All Controllers On!!! For Gekko Problems Do Wat Fool Does Or Use Interpreter Instread Of Compiler!!! God Read The Topics About Ssbm I"ve Posted That So Many Times!!


New member
I can't get mine to work. I followed all the instructions but I still get grey screen. Is there
some sort of settings that have to be right? I can't even get pong to work :(

General Plot

Britchie Crazy
Trev0r said:
What hardware problem?
I second that question. How would you know if this guy has a hardware problem? He's never posted his specs and doesn't have any in his profile. Now, Trev0r, what kind of system are you using? Please be as specific as possible. CPU name/type/speed, video card name/model/video ram and system ram would all help. Let me know what you're working with, and I'll try to help.:)

General Plot

Britchie Crazy
Trev0r said:
Athlon Xp 2700+, Aiw9600 128mb, 1024mb ram pc400, winxp.
OK, do you have everything you need? DirectX 9.0c, latest video card drivers, etc....? Also, what settings are you using in dolwin? Can I assume the Aiw9600 128mb you have listed is an ATI video card, because I'm not really too sure what it is. Post some screen shots of your emulator's settings and I'll see what I can do.;)


New member
AIW stands for All-in-Wonder and it is an ATI card basicly a radeon with tv capabilities.
My settings are default except for the things Im supposed to change like controllers and stuff. What settings should I change from default?

General Plot

Britchie Crazy
Trev0r said:
AIW stands for All-in-Wonder and it is an ATI card basicly a radeon with tv capabilities.
My settings are default except for the things Im supposed to change like controllers and stuff. What settings should I change from default?
OK, I figured it was an ATI card, just wasn't sure. Anyways, here's a link to check out, seems like Knuckles has covered this already.http://www.emutalk.net/dolwin/27404-ssbm-guide-how-make-work.html
