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Strange FPS


New member
Hello all!!

I've got "small" problem wth FPS i PJ64 (using SP1 wth Jabo's Plugins).

In window mode:
PJ shows (in bottom bar) that game run 59.9 - 60 FPS, but when i play i feel like ther is only 20-30FPS. When i turn off FPS limit PJ shows >100fps and game run too fast.

In Full screen:
PJ doesn't show fps so i'm using Fraps ( www.fraps.com ) to show fps.
And it the same like in window - games run 20 - 30fps and fraps show 20 - 30fps. FPS Limit in full screen can't be OFF ??

I have quite good comp and there still 50% idle and i don't know why games runs slowly.

How many fps is on orginal N64 ?? And how many they shoud be in emu ??
How can i configure PJ to get more FPS ??

I hope you undarstend my post becoause my english it's quite bad and i'm not sure that i write all correct....


New member
elbe said:
Hello all!!

I've got "small" problem wth FPS i PJ64 (using SP1 wth Jabo's Plugins).

In window mode:
PJ shows (in bottom bar) that game run 59.9 - 60 FPS, but when i play i feel like ther is only 20-30FPS. When i turn off FPS limit PJ shows >100fps and game run too fast.

In Full screen:
PJ doesn't show fps so i'm using Fraps ( www.fraps.com ) to show fps.
And it the same like in window - games run 20 - 30fps and fraps show 20 - 30fps. FPS Limit in full screen can't be OFF ??

I have quite good comp and there still 50% idle and i don't know why games runs slowly.

How many fps is on orginal N64 ?? And how many they shoud be in emu ??
How can i configure PJ to get more FPS ??

I hope you undarstend my post becoause my english it's quite bad and i'm not sure that i write all correct....

Well I will try and answer at least some of your question. The Real N64 is supposed to run at about 30fps (well if it's NTSC anyway 26fps if it's PAL?) 60fps being the maximum on the PC is something to do with the different display type although this I have never truly understood. Can someone else fill this in? I'm probably not right with this.

Anway the N64 on the TV is supposed to run around 30fps which in some games it does most of the time but a lot of games run a lot slower then 30fps. Many of the RARE games can run 20fps and under with a lot going on such as Goldeneye, Jet Force Gemini, and Banjo Tooie. Extreme G-2 is also a game that runs quite slow on the real N64. Games like Zelda run in the upper 20fps area but often slow down during high action.

Your computer should be more than fast enough to keep a steady 60fps in most games though. Do any games run full speed or are they all slow?Let us know what setting you have set for your graphics plugin. One setting that I accidentally changed and caused games to run slow was having Buffer Display Mode set to "Transfer Memory" if it is set at that change it to "Double" or "Triple Buffer".


New member
Mostly games runs quite good. Rare games, or zelada runs 20 - 30fps but if on orginal n64 also runs in that speed it's not a problem.

But some times it's frustrating...

THX for help!!


Member ready to help
Well,iff you read the Pj64 FAQ,in somewhere,you find something that explains the FPS in PJ64: the PJ64 show the "fields per second" and not "frames per second".

They are two differents thinks.FOr example: try to play a game running at 30 frames,and another at 30 fields (in NTSC mode)


New member
gandalf said:
Well,iff you read the Pj64 FAQ,in somewhere,you find something that explains the FPS in PJ64: the PJ64 show the "fields per second" and not "frames per second".

They are two differents thinks.FOr example: try to play a game running at 30 frames,and another at 30 fields (in NTSC mode)

Ahh ok thanks for clearing that up...If a game is running at 30 fields per second it feels really slow. So it almost seems like fps is half of the fields since PAL games run just over 50 fields per second and NTSC just a fraction under 60 (29.97 is actually NTSC display not an exact 30).
