The reason that the screens are aliased & lack filtering, in the windowed view, is because there seems to be a bug in the filtering code I made. I should have implemented standard filtering & proper resolution detection code for the game. And I made several alterations to the Mupen64 0.5 source code to make it remotely playable, without sound .But that DOES NOT excuse the edges being screwed up, so go ahead, think what you want to think....
Anyway, everyone can be sceptical if they really want to, and I can't do a single thing about what you think, because it is your'e opinion & no-one elses.
Here are just some screenshots of MY implementation of fragment shader extensions (WITH proper filtering) in MY work in progress, if anyone's interested (which I very highly doubt, since all of you will try to find a way to prove it wrong, even though I stayed up to midnight working on this.) OR if they believe this plugin actually exists and NOT a elaborate sham. I also implemented the microcode for Legend of Zelda: Oot and Banjo Kazooie
And just to let you's all know, I'm halting development on this plugin, as it seems extremely clear that NO ONE appreciates ANYTHING I DO, even in the real world :ranting: . I get treated like shit every single day, and I have to even put up with being treated like dirt on here. So, go ahead and ban me right now, OR I will find a very valid reason to make myself banned!!!