General Plot
Britchie Crazy
Here's a nice tidbit form our team channel. Shows the thought process involved in such a complex project.
<saqib> yup
<saqib> 0x40 = IRQ
<saqib> 0x20 = DMA4
<`plot`> 0xIPU = b0rkey
<`plot`> ;p
<saqib> odd, dmc3 does an adma from dma7 at start
<saqib> writes 0x400 size of data
<saqib> then never clears the adma bit
<`plot`> here's the more complex formula
<saqib> ?
<`plot`> if x = IPU, y = peops morse version, z = pcsx2, then z-(x+y) = yay
<`plot`> ;p
<Rudy_X> xD
<`plot`> ;p
<Rudy_X> plot you forgot z-(x+y) = version 1.0
<`plot`> XD
<`plot`> rofl
<`plot`> EVERYTHING has a science
<`plot`> even crap ;p