A "hands on" wookiee
Okay...first off a disclaimer for 2fast4u...this isnt a rom/iso request. (I can find my own damn roms/isos)....this is more along the lines of....does this thing actually exist, outside of the Am2 offices....
Anyone who has played Shenmue 2 on DC will unlock a teaser trailer of shenmue when Am2 was developing it on Saturn.
From what I could gather it seemed to be pretty far along in its development, in fact not only did it cover things in shenmue 1's storyline, but things in it's sequel too.
Anyone ever actually seen this getting around....does it exist at all? either in internet form or legally released form.
Some of you may ask "why the hell would you want it on Saturn- it's already on dreamcast and it's good.",
I respond in advance..."why the hell not"
Anyone who has played Shenmue 2 on DC will unlock a teaser trailer of shenmue when Am2 was developing it on Saturn.
From what I could gather it seemed to be pretty far along in its development, in fact not only did it cover things in shenmue 1's storyline, but things in it's sequel too.
Anyone ever actually seen this getting around....does it exist at all? either in internet form or legally released form.
Some of you may ask "why the hell would you want it on Saturn- it's already on dreamcast and it's good.",
I respond in advance..."why the hell not"