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seriously disturbing halloweenish news:


New member

Inspector Harrington said it had been a traumatic experience for ambulance and police officers involved.

"They [the police officers] have received some counselling today in relation to the incident," he said.

No doubt.:plain:



well, as an avid drug user, i must submit a huge caveat.

the drug in question was amphetamines or as they are commonly known speed or crank.

speed is the most vile substance i know of. besides being addictive it can literally destroy the nasal cavities in a few months, causes paranoia (probably a big part of this self inflected violence), and is generally made out of such wonderful to digest products as carpet cleaner.

the only drugs more addictive (though this is quite questionable as all drugs are so radically different as to make these comparisons very hard) are heroine and nicotine. I've never known of anyone doing anything like this on either of those drugs however.

that also goes for weed, shrooms, acid, or any of the "psychedelics". In fact anyone who has tried psychedelics and doesn't recognize a little bit of their spiritual effect is on qualudes. i recomend psychedelics to almost anyone under the right settings, and with the right people.

i've used psychedellics in combination with counselling/psychological advice to great benefit to a number of my personal friends, and i think that this is akin to shamanism, and "a good thing" overall.

but yeah, don't ever do speed or any kind of opiate, they will screw you up for life. and be careful with alcohol, it can do some real damage too.



Mr. Super Clever
umm drugs are bad m'kay? :p

Seriously though there is something wrong with anyone if they go onto anything harder than cannabis. Why oh why inject yourself with something that you know for a fact is going to ruin your life and probably end up killing you.


Disco Banana
I think that says it all:D

But just in case



:D what a fucking dumbass...
maybe that will get him off drugs... unless he becomes addicted to the morphine they give him to ease his pain in the hospital...


hmmm.... *whispers* lamer..... (wait a sec, that got me a warning before... :geek: )

look at the atachment extention

vbulletin wont let you include a wav file, so he added .txt to the end so he could attach it here
