Just load Nemu v 0.8(!)
Run the game, in video settings check "export vrml"
The game will be very slow now and a dumping starts to *.vrml file, to the root of drive C:/ by default.
Uncheck "export vrml" after couple seconds in video setting. Close Nemu.
I had no crashes, ever. (Tried dumping models in kokiri forest (zelda oot) for Link model, mario64 start (mario head model), conker's bfd start (conker model).
Those vrml file that was created on C:/ opens easily in 3ds max. When you opened a file, try to zoom in a lot - the models may be VERY small in all that garbage, that you see on screen in 3d max.
File needs a lot of cleanup, texturing, fixing, yes. That's not easy.