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Rice Plugin Issues


New member
I just changed my vidio card from a Nividia GeForce2 (64 MB) to a Nividia GeForce FX 5500 (256 MB). I've noticed that sience then, rices plugin has had serious graphics issues running in DirectX mode (black screen). OpenGL works fine though...

By the way, in Jet Force Gemini, while playing as lupus, when you get the night vision goggles, you get a black screen. Hope you fix this soon.

Also, i can't get those backgrounds in OB64 to run yet, and i hope they will be implemented (or able to be seen on my comp) soon. I love that game.

Hope its no too much trouble...



That Damn Good
Make sure you are using pixel shader in direct x mode. Also try different settings with the framebuffer.


Gentoo n00b
gamerk316 said:
Also, i can't get those backgrounds in OB64 to run yet, and i hope they will be implemented (or able to be seen on my comp) soon. I love that game.

You need to play in PJ64 to get the Ogrebattle backgrounds, since the 1964 have a little bug in JPEG decompression.
Use PJ64 + Rice 551 to play OB64.


the old guy
and while your here i might as well tell you that you need to move the two .dll files that end in 71 from 1964 to pj64 main folder to use rice plugin with pj64. also make sure you get service pack 1 for pj64.


Gentoo n00b
rcgamer said:
and while your here i might as well tell you that you need to move the two .dll files that end in 71 from 1964 to pj64 main folder to use rice plugin with pj64. also make sure you get service pack 1 for pj64.

You can move these files to \windows\system32 folder, since they're used by all programs that are programmed with MSVC++ 7.1 (Microsoft Visual Studio .NET).


New member
i've done all of the above suggestions, doesn't help any...

i've tried pj64 1.51, 1964 .85, and 1964 .99

directX is almost always black, and og64 backgrounds don't load.
I've also noticed glides plugin also stopped working... anyone have any idea what to do?


the old guy
have you updated your drivers yet? make sure you uninstall the old drivers first and maybe use a driver cleaner as well . this can be a major problem when updating your graphics card driver. go to www.guru3d.com to get a driver cleaner and newest drivers.


New member
Just did, no effect.

Some games will actually show something in DirectX mode, but the graphics are all messed up. OpenGL works fine though.
