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Rice 6.1 Problem


New member
I have been playing the game "WWF No Mercy" on "Project 64 1.6" when this problem happened:


(Click link to see pic)

Everything works fine in the main menu and character select screen, but smackdown mall has the same problem.

Any idea how to fix this? I've asked everywhere.

I will post my video plugin settings if you need them.

The ppl over at the PJ64 boards recommended you guys


Emulator Developer
A poor guy. No one answers usually because no one else has the same problem, and you haven't tried to figure it out by yourself by messing up the settings.


What is your video card?
Does it also happen if you use 1964?
Try to use other combiner modes. Do you know how to select a diffferent color combiner in the plugin?
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M Cubed

New member
Rice, no one helps this guy because he asks a million questions, and once people TRY to help, he bites back with a smartass remark.

Anyways, just screw around with your settings. Something is checked, that shouldn't be. Or, just play in darkness.



King of Krunch
M Cubed said:
Rice, no one helps this guy because he asks a million questions, and once people TRY to help, he bites back with a smartass remark.
Wrong. The guy has 10 posts total and I count one question (2 if we count the "why won't you answer me?" question). And the only smartass remark I see is your post. So next time you post, do us all a favor, and do so in a well thought out and respectful manner. kthanx.:yawn:

SRKO... Rice was correct. You must consider that others may not have encountered the same problem you have, and may not know what to suggest to you. And if you have 2 million more questions, ask away. Without questions, this forum has little purpose.
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New member
M-Cubed, I am not saying a smartass remark. All I am asking is a question and without questions people would never learn.
Before you say I am too lazy to do anything, you should know I messed around with the settings and everything with little success. (Why else would I be asking?)

Anyways, here are the current settings I am using

General Options:

Rendering Device: OpenGL
Windows res: 800x600
Full Screen Res: 1024x768
Full screen color quality: 32 bit (def)
Full screen refresh rate: Default HZ
SSE Enabled
Fog Enabled


Combiner Type: To fit your video card
Depth Buffer: 32 bit

Texture Filters:

Texture Quality: def
Force Texture Filture: N64 default texture filter
Texture Enhancement: No Enhancement
Load Textures Enabled
Dump Textures Enabled

Game Default Options:

Accurate Texture mapping enabled
N64 frame buffer: def
Rendering to texture: def
Frame Buffer Write Back: def

I have the latest drivers and I really haven't tried 1964 yet

M Cubed

New member



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New member
Well I managed to get the matches working but now I am having the discolored main menu problem. I will post a pic if you dont know what i am talking about

M Cubed

New member
I dunno what to tell you then. I posted my settings, and my rom plays exactly like the N64 cartridge.


Emulator Developer

You still haven't told your system configuration, perticularly your video card.

I guess you are using a Geforce MX video, and the video card is your problem.

There are some working around solutions, including using some older versions of the driver and using some special combiner, or using some other video plugins.

We need to know your video card.


New member
I just typed up my settings, I also don't have Nvidia and my drivers version are 6.14
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New member
Oh HostileEagle M-Cubed's comments are kinda of an inside joke at another board. Hey SRKO which version you using, I forgot or you haven't said yet.


King of Krunch
snesmaster40 said:
HostileEagle M-Cubed's comments are kinda of an inside joke at another board.
This has been brought to my attention and I think the worst is now behind us. Thank you.

Rice (emphasized by HostileEagle) said:
You still haven't told your system configuration, particularly your video card.
...We need to know your video card.
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New member
oh sorry i thnk its Intel (R) or something. I used CMX's settings and the matches are working fine now. I am having trouble with the main menu now :(
