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Release 6 beta testing


WhineCube author
It's been a while. I've been working on WhineCube on and off since the last release, trying to get Bust-A-Move 3000 to work, among other things. A lot of work still needs to be done before it's playable, but much progress has already been made. To illustrate, I have updated the screenshots page.

Now it's time for a new release, but first I need beta testing. So if you feel up to it, drop into #whinecube on Efnet to receive your copy.
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Nice, was wondering when I'd see some life in Whinecube! I'll easy help out where/if I can....


Emulator Developer
Sure, I'd be happy to beta it was well. I have a celeron and 2 athlons I can test it out on. I'll drop in on your channel sometime...


WhineCube author
I'm usually in the channel more than 12 hours a day, so you just hang in there, Batman. :)


New member
ile try anything in attempt to get this resi evil remake to work, is there a link as the 1 at the top does not work


Whinecube is just beginning to support commercial games, although showing great progress i'm guessing it willl be a while before the likes of RE:Remake is playable.
