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Project 64 Cheats Format or equivalence


New member
Hello there,I´m trying to make my own cheats for SSB.
I´m using CheatEngine to make them and this program allows me change the value of the memory adress.

The Project´s cheat format is like this:

XXXXXXXX XXXX. The first 8 X are the direction of the memory (I supose) and the other X are the value (I supose)

For example I get in cheat engine this:

3AEA48F0 500,
To add it to the project 64 cheats I write 3AEA48F0 0500.
The cheat engine show me the lastest 4X as a decimal value.
If I change the value´s type to Hexadecimal then the program show me these 0x0000500 more or less.But I can´t put these in project 64.
I´m trying to know why don´t the cheat works.Please help me.How I enter my own codes to project 64?
