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Helium Wish are coming...
last 1964...

i dunno what the right terms are, but, will the last 1964 include the option for the graphics plugin (or maybe the last 1964 will do this automatically) to handle counter factors?

sort of like, um, i dunno how to put it, but, dynamic counter factor detection and changing?:saint:

(required for games like donkey kong 64 for example).


firestarter said:
What about Fake64? I'd like to see that progress, since I intend on moving operations towards Linux over the summer.
Take a look at Mupen :D
It's for Linux as well :happy:

If this is your final release, please make a great emulator. Fast and compatible. I hope this will be the best emulator ever.

:1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964:


Destoryer of worlds
Yeah and don't forget to fix that bug, when using kaillera with 1964 that doesn't let you click on the emu screen when you start a game via kalliera netplay.


The Great One
The Last 1964..........
Well I sure hope that your work is never forgotten Schibo. I know that Rice will continue to go on with his video plugin, I hope that a high compatibility will be done with Azimers audio plugin, since most people use it with 1964.
1964 is the greatest and the fastest emulator out there, as many say it will be a final, but sad memory. I hope that Mupen and UHLE 2064 fill the hole, now that you and Jabo are not working on anything related to N64.
:1964: :1964: :1964: :1964: :1964:

I had to throw those in, hoping that the final 1964 deserves it


At your service, dood!
I wish for an in-emulator controlled audio sync... the Max Vi's does a terrible job at this I say, sound stops every now and then...

Could use Azimers 0.40b to do it but its not compatible with some games like Banjo-tooie....

Just a thought.
