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Problems With Zelda MM and Lens of truth


Mmm.. Beans
1.When I use the Lens of truth in Zelda the game slows down a lot down to like 5 fps even in windowed mode! What can I do about this?

2.Another thing is that with Zelda Master Quest, It says on the rom selection "Bad ROM? Use GoodN64 & check for updated INI" WHat does this mean and Whats GoodN64?:n64:


New member
I have this problem too, but I managed to solve it, not all, but it's better than nothing.
You can first try disabling "Limit FPS" when using the lens.
If it doesn't work then that's what I did :

Options > Plugin Video > Advanced

I enabled

Emulate Primary
Update less Frequently
Use low resolution updates

Now, I can't say the speed will be normal, but it's not slow like before, and I think it's playable :)



New member
randombeaner said:
2.Another thing is that with Zelda Master Quest, It says on the rom selection "Bad ROM? Use GoodN64 & check for updated INI" WHat does this mean and Whats GoodN64?:n64:

GoodN64 is a program that checks roms to make sure that they are working dumps of the games. The URA Zelda, or Master Quest, is called a Bad rom by PJ64 because the Rom database doesn't include it. U can fix this by adding the following to the file "Project64.rdb" using a text editor like notepad:

Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (Master Quest)
RDRAM Size=Default
Counter Factor=1
Save Type=First Save Type
CPU Type=Default
Self-modifying code Method=Default
Reg Cache=Yes
Use TLB=Yes
Delay SI=No
SP Hack=Yes
Use Large Buffer=No
Core Note=subscreen delay
Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ)
Clear Frame=0
Self Texture=0
Primary Frame Buffer=0
Resolution Width=-1
Resolution Height=-1
Emulate Clear=0


PJ64k Support Team
there are billions. If people would actually search the forums to make sure that it isnt already ansewered, then there wouldve only been one


Umm yes, where are you from? Mars?
Check around the site a little and you'll find a very handy "Search" link.


PJ64k Support Team
pluton? I didn't know that was a planet, and how could you even have accidentally hit 'n'?
