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Potemkin Released


Just Another Wacko ;)
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>Potemkin (codenamed DaSH) is an experimental open source HLE PSP Emulator. It is created and released by ector under the GPL license.

Here are some features of the emulator:

Features: (end-user point of view :)
- Plays Puzzle Bobble Pocket JAP
- Starts AI Go
- Runs numerous demos from the PSP SDK

Technical Features:
- Badly simulated PSP kernel
- Mounts ISOs and CSOs (no DAX!)
- Mounts Windows directories (no good UI yet for this)

Screenshots of some games running:

Since ector does not have the necessary time to work on Potemkin anymore he decided to release the source code (under the GPL license) in case someone else wants to continue working on it.

:: Potemkin Win32 Binary and Source Code
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New member
Really impressive, with source code included! Let's hope someone continues it (I'd do myself, but I'm already busy with desmume :p)


New member
Just started wondering about how PSP emulation hasn't really taken off yet (see my other post in general emulation) and just wanted to give two thumbs up to this first stride in the field :)

Hope someone picks up from here at some point!
