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[Poll] Emu... Is it dead?

Has the production/updating of emulation in general stopped?

  • Yes, it has died.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, still going strong!

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • Unsure... I dunno.

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
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New member
Hello All,

I've been looking all over the net, and I can't seem to find emulation that' been updated in the last year or two...

One of my friends insists that GBA is still going, I dunno...

I guess my question is "Has the production/improvement of Emulators in general died?"

I just can't find ANYTHING new, so I figured, maybe.
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New member
maybe you should read emulation64 more frequently and you would have noticed that there is indeed stuff going on.


Active member
There have been literally hundreds of releases of different emulators for Arcade, NES, Snes, Gameboy, PSX and now PS2 and XBox. The N64 and PSX plugins have been updated many times. ZSnes has seen about 20 WIP releases. Completely new emulators like Nestopia have been released, and emus such as Icarus have improved with screenshots of new games all the time.

Even more updates for emulators are on the horizon such as 1964 1.0 which sounds really promising.


Active member
He's right just look:
-New nSX2 release! (PS2) Fri 27 Jun 2003
-EMUtion Engine v0.1 Released (PS2) Wed 25 Jun 2003
-a little bit longer for sixtyforce 0.7.0 (N64) Thu 19 Jun 2003
-Cxbx 0.7.3 (XBOX) Thu 19 Jun 2003
-pcsx2 WIP (PS2) Sun 15 Jun 2003
-Cxbx 0.7.2 (XBOX) Sat 14 Jun 2003
-SP1 for Project64 v1.5 out (N64) Wed 11 Jun 2003

Only this month!


Psychic Vampire
While what rikianblaster has said is not true, there hasn't really been anything new/groundbreaking in a long while...at least not that I know of.


New member
I've just noticed that it seems nothing new has happened. Some ppl still do old skool systems, but they've already been finished for a while. I haven't seen anything recent for PSX, N64, etc.

I'll check those other items you guys listed. It just seems that whenever I look up emulation, I see that the latest updates are "November 26th, 2002", etc.

Maybe I the OFFICIAL websites no longer carry their own friggin' updates. Doubtful.

Anyways, before ppl tell me that "Apparently I haven't checked said website, maybe they should check it themselves."

However, Knuckles, you have made a useful point, I will be certain to check in on those. That ps2 thing sounds sick. Oh, and clement, most the updates u refer to are on minor, insignificant emus for consoles, which have been perfectly emu'd for quite some time.

Thanks for all the replies guys, if you have any more specific updates, I'd appreciate it. Thanks again.


New member
rickianblaster said:
Oh, and clement, most the updates u refer to are on minor, insignificant emus for consoles, which have been perfectly emu'd for quite some time.
I beg your pardon. Emulators for older consoles are hardly insignificant to most fans, and none are perfect yet.


New member
Okay then. I rephrase my question. When will a SIGNIFICANT update for a recent, as in 1996 or newer console ever going to come out. I have found updates for many emulators, but it seems that the top emus are dead. As there webpages have not been updated in eons.

And Allnatural, u do bring up a valid point. Sorry bout that much.


Emulator Developer
Let me tell you one thing: You have NO idea about the cool stuff going on, not all of it public yet =)

Emulation is not dead by any means. If you're tired of current console emulators go check Mame, they're managing to emulate new arcade systems and games all the time..


New member
Hey. I never said I'm tired of the recent stuff. I said I'm tired of the OLD stuff. U see I am tired of old skool. I was tired of theat stuff when it was new. To be completly honest I'm basically pregidous against that stuff. Look. Is there some way to either have USEFUL posts, or remove this thread? Cuz I am tired of "You haven't checked here (BULL)" and "The old stuff that u've said u don't care about has been updated"

So, either please be helpful, or someone can remove this thread, Allnatural is a moderator, maybe he can get rid of this accursed thread, as it has been utterly useless.

To the ppl who have read things well, and were useful, ie: knux, thanx.

To ppl who were utterly useless, and possibly even illiterate, ie: 2fast4u, please try to check your sources bfore you throw them at other ppl here.

Thanks to all.


Leap of Faith

Why not point out some specific emulator sites you are looking into? I guess I am getting a little lost on your question like others because all of us view "good" and "bad" emulation differently. Like myself, I really like console stuff and get into MAME a little, but really don't follow old computer emulation, for instance Amiga, C64, etc.. Allthough with all of them I do still see when they are released.

It wasn't but just a few months back that Nemu 0.8 was finally released after years of waiting. PJ64 has seen it's SP1 update and may even be in for another update in the not so distant future. 1964 is on the horizon. Rice has gone release crazy the past few weeks. I am a betting man to, somewhere before summers end I bet a new Glide64, glNinteno64, and TR64 see the light of day. :) (we can dream :p )

GBA emulation as you pointed out is advancing left and right.

If your into it, Jag emulation just saw the source code for a highly anticipated vaporware get released public. And actually it's pretty cool, just needds some wound work and some finishing touches.

Several Playstation releases including a new PSXEven just days ago. Also some really nice work being done on PS2 emulation front.

Finally some promising work on an X-Box emulator.

I have noted myself that the emulator websites themselves do seem to update more slowly then the news of new releases. Here are the few site I go to and feel I get all I need. :)


Of course with all 3 check out their forums for great info if you didn't already know. :)


EDIT: Had to make my first paragraph coherent :) Posting from work anymore is almost useless with as many mistakes I make It almost seems that English is not even my first language. lol
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New member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the more recent, helpful answers. I will be sure to check those websites. Anyways, the question has been answered (and how). So perhaps one of the administrators or someone will remove this thread. Please?


New member
If it really bothers you that much, you do realise you could delete this thread yourself by simply editing the first post. Though that would be totally unneccessary.

Just leave it be and it will sink never to be seen again.
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