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PJ64 1.6 and online possibilities?

GE Master

New member
Well I've pooped my pants seeing this latest release. I may sound like a newb (which I'm not) but I'm going to ask anyways.

There was a PJ64K version, and would that in any way incorporate the 1.6 version? I don't understand the "K" version, but I do know it plays online. I know the online aspect has it's skeptics but honestly if I know somebody in my area of the world, the performance could be quite reasonable, all things considered.

So, my question is, can/will the 1.6 version be playable online?


Emutalk Member
related to the K aillera version >>
Zilmar wrote (Page #22 of v1.6 feedback):
.....I know hotquik has done work with adding in net support and he has done a great job there, but it also not a complete solution as it would take a lot more changes then he has done to get things to stay in sync, maybe someday I will tackle that problem.

The greatest use of the source so far has been the porting to Xbox,, but really there has not been many changes and nothing that I can see to validate releasing the source code for.
