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PJ 64..............right on!


New member
Installed PJ 64 today. It took me a few hours to figure out how to configure everything and got the hang of it................been sitting here all day downloading Ninendo 64 games for the PJ 64 and I'm wiped out. Some games give me a hard time but for the most-part the system rocks. I'm tired now and going to sleep........good night

Out of curiousity, does anyone know how to make "Gauntlet Legends" work for the PJ 64?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Gauntlet Legends is a drag to get working properly, and I don't think any graphics plugin emulates the game right. You can always try Glide64, but don't hold your breath, because last time I checked it didn't fare much better than the other plugins.
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