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Perfect Dark - Hi Res Mode


New member
I just noticed that the Hi-Resolution mode within PD doesn't work - the screen is 'split by half' (sorry for my bad english, I try to explain) - in the upper screen is the game, the lower one is black. It's a screen resolution problem or something like that. Don't know if this prob has already been discussed here. I didn't find this problem in the game faq. It's definitly not a major problem because I'm really satisfied with the normal mode, just wanted to mention it


New member
Since the video of the N64 has been emulated using High Level Emulation, you do not need the "hi-res" mode to bring up the clarity of the graphics. It is recommended that you keep the "hi-res" mode disabled.


Wilson's Friend
How are your system specs? Which graphic plugin are you using?
Ancientblade answer that and maybe we might help you better


sympathetic dinosaur
I don't have problems using the hi-res option with perfect dark (E)
the only thing that change is font resolution
