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over clocking


New member
hi i need some advice on overclocking. i recently purchased a new video card to replace to my ageing geforce2. i know have a 256mb geforce fx 5600. i have a utility for overclocking the chip and the memory and am looking into how to overclock my cpu and get the most out of my system. im a novice at overclocking but i do know the bios will be involved. so can anyone tell me how to overclock an AMD Duron 800mhz or point to me a site that tells me how. also is it possible to overclock my Ram. Lastly i have my new video card overclocked with the chip running at 400mhz and the memory at 600mhz. the temperature is averaging at about 65degrees celsius, is this temperature too high ?? thanks in advance for any advice


Pimpin' Red Mage
65 degrees C on your vid card? Eh, that sounds a little high but I'm not sure. My P4 runs at around 40 degrees C when it's overclocked.

Moose Jr.

Raging Moose
I don't know anything about overclocking, except that it generates a lot of heat that needs to be dealt with. According to one site, your CPU has a maximum rating of 95 degrees C. AFAIK, your CPU does not come with automatic throttling, so if you're running hot with the overclocking and your cooling (fans, I presume) fails for even a few minutes under load, it can fry your processor. Be sure to keep a very sharp eye on your temps. I once "fixed" a PC that was hard-locking by simply pulling it apart and cleaning the fans and heatsinks of dust. The CPU temperature dropped from 50 to 30 degrees C. It matters that much.
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