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Hexidecimal said:
I also think this thread has proven that most windows users have what I call Macaphobia. It's a lot like Homophobia, where in, they are petrified of what they don't understand, and shun it. It also proves Blacklord has no idea what the hell he's talking about :p.

XD Dirrect hit.


Keeper of The Iron Tail
Jakob said:
As to osx being only a pretty OS, under the surface, OSX is POSIX complient unix environment, which can more than fulfill the requirements of a real "power user" but probably not your average script kiddie

You're right, I actually forgot about that part. Which is kind of stupid of me, since I know several computing-oriented people who have gotten OS X machines for this purpose, and at LEAST three profs. Most recently though, I've only been using the OS X machines of a couple friends who AREN'T programmers, and that's probably why. Consider my previous post only judging the system on its user interface - a highly overrated one IMO.

Hexidecimal said:
OS X is just plain nice, theres nothing not to like about it, and I used to be in the I HATE MACS camp. All I can honestly say is, before you disregard it, try it yourself. You may learn something (like that the dock is the best idea. ever.) It's a lot cleaner then windows, and installing programs is insanely simple, (drag into applications folder, done) and its streamlined. Some people may mock it for its simplicity, i know i used to, but theres an elegance in how simple it actually is.

Well... you know those screenshots of Windows desktops that have zillions of desktop icons and taskbars items? I've seen it on OS X too and it's not elegant anymore :p. Possibly worse since there's no text label, only images, but maybe I'm just not used to looking for one tiny window when there are 20 open windows that look extremely similar. Also I don't think my "un-l33t" friend knows the shortcut for the exposé feature (one of countless features i'm missing out on i'm sure, sigh).


Keeper of The Iron Tail
ScottJC said:
"Windows" shouldn't even be mentioned in this thread for that matter, what has windows got to do with OSX? can't you mention an OS without Windows being brought into it... I could start a thread about linux and the person who posts after me will mention windows - thats totally retarded.

Hahaha... is that my fault? Woops. :flowers:

Also 1/3? try 98%
He did say 1/3 of all Earth's population... But I dont' even know if 1/3 is a good estimation of the number of humans who own computers, so maybe I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here, heh.

Also: my point about PC hardware being superior still stands ;).
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Emutalk Bounty Hunter.
Maybe I spoke to soon about blacklord and should have focuesed on zAlbee.

There is text, as soon as you place your cursor on an icon it tells you which program it is. Th elegance is that your desktop isn't littered with them...

Also, PC Hardware being superior, only really applies because Apple requires everything to be mac biosed. If it wasn't for that you COULD build your own mac, and if Steve Jobs wises up he'd actually release a PC version of OS X so you could still build your own.


Keeper of The Iron Tail
I know! You have to mouse over it. Believe me, this guy has a LOT of icons, it's actually quite a chore to go through them all on the dockbar. :D Then again if it were my computer I'd probably be familiar with which ones were which already and where they separate from the task (?) icons.

Re: hardware - well yes, that was my entire point. The availability of 3rd party hardware is a huge win, for both best-quality and most inexpensive parts. Apple needs to embrace that. Heck, they should have done what these OSx86 people have done. I mean obviously you're enjoying being able to run it on your own hardware :). It's nice to have choice.


New member
My job is to support Windows PC's daily. I've grown to hate it. There are so many issues that crop up which are absolutely impossible to explain to the client. I can usually fix them easily but as someone said earlier, it all seems like a kludge.

If you work on/own a Windows PC you REALLY need to learn a lot if you want to keep out of trouble. If you are fairly computer illiterate then a LOT of simple tasks will make no sense (they just happen to be that way). I get frustrated with computer illiterate people because in a Windows environment they NEED NEED NEED to take some courses or read up on how to fix their own problems or they will be asking for help their whole life.

Apple has actually taken the time to make an OS that will allow people to use it with little to no knowledge. Many people say MacOS sucks because it doesn't give you enough control, or you can do as much. What do you want to do with the OS? I've gotten to the point where I am TIRED of fiddling around with pointless parts of the OS that just waste time. An OS is there to run your "SOFTWARE", it should be transparent. I don't know about the rest of you but I usually use my computer to run programs not to "play" and "tweak" the OS.

I'm still a PC user but I will be making the switch in the future. The Mac isn't for everyone but it will work for me. Most of what I would use it for are for Graphics and Audio apps which 95% of what I use is available for MacOS as well and the other 5% could be found from other developers. Gaming is the one area that I wish was better and hopefully will be now that the hardware has become closer to being fully compatible. Most people would be happier with MacOS if all or most of their software can be found for it. Windows isn't going to become a number two player anytime soon but I suspect Mac market share will grow. Now all they need to do is lower their prices a little. I don't expect PC level prices but I at least expect top end hardware for the prices they charge.
